Goodbye, Team Sponsorship

Pikeman 288

In case you couldn't tell, I'm getting very tired of fast advance Team Sponsorship decks. This deck is designed to do one thing, and only one thing—shut them down. There's probably a lot of room for improvement, as this is yet untested. Please post any suggestions in the comment box below.

29 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Drive By son!

29 Sep 2015 Chuftbot

@FarCryFromHuman Yes yes YES. Ditch Freelance Coding Contract and rejigger your influence a bit, because Drive By is the best counter VS all those juicy assets. Pairs especially nicely with DoppelWhizzard since you're losing a click to play it.

Why FIS over I've Had Worse? That's a massive chunk of influence that could do a ton of work for you.

Also, Imp! All the Imps! Worst case scenario it forces them to rez a CVS and you get nothing, but at least they burned a CVS for it. Déjà Vu means you can recur Imps faster than they can purge them, and it costs the corp more to stop you than it costs you to play them.

29 Sep 2015 MrAaronSA

Scrubber with Whizzard is probably overkill, though I know you're mad (: At least go -3 Scrubber, + 3 Imp

29 Sep 2015 Pikeman

FCC id basically the poor man's Paige Piper for program-heavy decks. Drive By would be great, but it's a double, and (at least here), there is little ice beyond the occasional Eli 1.0 in these decks, and the other ice that is present is pretty weak. It also doesn't work well with Doppelgänger/AI, which can finally get rid of the TS for good. I'll still give it a try to see if I like it though, or if people wise up and start icing up remotes.

As for FIS, that's to flood their hand with more of their tiny-point agendas (about the biggest I see is ASPP for only 2), which you then pluck out with NA/Doppelgänger (and possibly some help from Incubator if it needs it). Better yet, they usually either dump their agendas on the board unprotected, or in archives which you can pluck out on a later run when you want to permanently remove a TS via AI.

I did consider Imp, but with 3x Scrubber + Whiz's built-in creds, it seems like massive overkill. And if they drop CVS or just purge to get rid of Clot, Scrubber keeps working while Imp doesn't. Also, it lacks Grimoire to really make Imp shine.

I did think of Déjà Vu too, but its play cost is high, and I'd usually rather just grab more cards with FIS/IHW

29 Sep 2015 Pikeman

Oh, one other problem with Drive By—it does nothing to a rezzed TS. If they see it being played, they'll just rez TS immediately instead of letting it sit face-down.