Chaos in Mind

shazzner 836

Chaos in Mind

This is my Chaos Theory deck featuring London Library + Overmind to make free runs each turn. It scales exceptionally well early to late game when you're running through a four-iced R&D server each turn and making positive returns on money.

A good hand should include a Career Fair and Data Folding or a London Library along with some economy.

The basic flow should work like this:

  1. Get your Data Folding credits at the start of your turn
  2. Install Overmind on London Library, with seven counters (thanks to Deep Red, triggering Autoscripter giving you your click back. LLDS Processor then triggers giving your Overmind +3 Strength for the turn
  3. Optionally install D4v1d on LL too
  4. Run on R&D, HQ, or a Remote for click one (two if you installed D4v1d), using Net-Ready Eyes to pump Overmind to strength 4
  5. Laugh mercilessly as none of their ice taxes you even a penny as Overmind/D4v1d breaks subs without credits
  6. Wink playfully as you access three cards from R&D or two cards HQ with the respective interfaces installed
  7. Tip your Fedora capriciously as you easily liberate their NAPD with credits to spare
  8. Trigger London Library to pop the Overmind back to your hand
  9. Optionally pop D4v1d back too
  10. Fist-bump Kati Jones to keep your credits flowing, if you've got a click to spare

That's it! The real secret to this deck is how it maintains the credit imbalance in your favor. They're going to have to keep installing ice to slow you down which causes huge tempo losses on their end, which ultimately leads to agenda flooding of their hand, which causes them to draw less, which means less ice gets installed, etc.

This is a janky deck, no doubt, and it doesn't have a solution to everything. Two ice that can stop you cold are Swordsman and a Turing on centrals (can't be broken with D4v1d), replace Inti with Cameleon once it's released as it can provide the Fractor/Killer/Decoder needed. It doesn't have any damage prevention either, replacing one Test Run with Feedback Filter would keep your Overminds from being sniped off from net damage.

Card Choices

Test Run - Instead of Clone Chip and/or Self-modifying Code: Test Run does double duty as it can tutor programs and recover them from your heap. It has the added effect of bringing it back to your hand via placing it on top of your deck. Feel free to test other ideas, I haven't had much worry about recovering a trashed Overmind but there are a few times when I don't draw it early.

Deep Red - +3 MU for Overmind counters, one cheaper than MemStrips. Putting MemStrips in your deck, you might be liable to cause unexpected rage and unwarranted comments from all Netrunner players in the room.

e3 Feedback Implants - Fallback if they're using lots of multisub ice. Feel free to replace with something else.

Symmetrical Visage - Professional Contacts is in faction but overcosted for this deck.

Inti - Wraparound counter, this will be replaced with Cameleon once it's released which will also keep Turing, Swordsmen, & Wraparounds at bay too.

Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions!

24 Jun 2015 LeonardQuirm

Wonderful. I'm intending to do a similar LL+LLDS deck, but using Chameleon (since it auto-resets to hand) and Hayley once the Underway is out, but this manages to achieve a similar thing with what looks like fewer pieces and less money!

A couple of thoughts...

  • Is Career Fair worth it? It's only usable for full effect on four cards (given you can only install one London Library). Could use the influence on a second copy of HQ Interface?
  • Replicator! LLDS Processor wants to be out on mass; a Replicator gets the full set out.

That said, I haven't tried it yet, so I trust your experience more than my suggestions - just wondering if you've considered these things?

24 Jun 2015 lilelia

Small note: Chameleon won't deal with Wraparound (it's never a fracter) so you'll still need the Inti. Deck itself looks pretty fun, was running a similar thing before Net-Ready Eyes came out, will have to try it again now.

25 Jun 2015 x3r0h0ur

@lilelia 3x llds, + NRE + chameleon = 7 str barrier breaker :P

25 Jun 2015 whirrun

Sweet! I tried something like this but with morning star femme and yog. I would recommend trying to jam one of them in (femme and morning star were the superstars). I think the David is inspired.

26 Jun 2015 steevo15

I've been playing with this deck all day on and I've had a great time with it. Here are the few things I've found.

-I've had great success with Sage instead of Inti. Put Sage on the Library and it can break pretty much all code gates and barriers in the game with the boost from LLDS. Works in a pinch if your Overminds get trashed too. Synergizes well with e3 and free MU.

-I've had trouble against Jinteki attrition decks, running quickly out of cards and often lose key pieces.

-I found that Career Fair and Data Folding more often than not just sat in my hand. Unless I got both of them early, I found myself not wanting to invest on Data Folding and not wanting to use Career Fair unless I could use it on a Data Folding. Maybe my playstyle with these two cards isn't correct, but I found I've wanted a quicker pace. Since runs and installs are so cheap it almost seems as though Kati Jones and Sure Gamble bring in enough money.

-London Library is super fun, but it's really click intensive. I almost want to see Autoscripter earlier than I usually do with it being a 1 of.

-Net-Ready Eyes seems replaceable. I usually have more than enough money to use for pumping strength on Overmind that I just don't feel like taking the 2 net for a +1 strength bump.

With all this being said, I think these are the changes that I'd make to the current deck.

-2x Career Fair

-3x Data Folding

-1x Inti

-2x Net-Ready Eyes

+1 Autoscripter

+1 Feedback Filter or Net Shield or Levy AR Lab Access

+1 Same Old Thing

+1 Sage

+1 Kati Jones

+3 Dirty Laundry (Not sure what else I'd slot here, it's basically replacing the copies of Data Folding it's good click efficient econ)

Overall really fun deck to play and I've had lots of fun messing around with it today, more to come tomorrow. It sets up a lot faster than I thought it would and I actually was able to keep up with an NBN FA deck for a little bit. Ended up losing, but it was close.

26 Jun 2015 steevo15

Just an edit to my post, realized that I got the influence wrong in my suggested changes, thinking that autoscripter was 2 inf not 3inf. I went with -1 e3 Feedback Implants and +1 Femme Fatale in addition to everything else I mentioned.

More often than not I found e3 to not be of much use, generally having enough tokens to break through a server. Komainu could mess with that though.

26 Jun 2015 shazzner

Thanks for your input @steevo15! I'll try out some of your suggestions :)

2 Jul 2015 Nery

What if you change david with a couple of femme fatale. It can bypass swordsman, and well... anything with ease.