Snoop EMP strikes back and no, you didn't had worse

Vaos 67

The arrival of I Had Worse was a sad day for kill decks. It became harder to know when to land a good old killing strike on these pesky runners.

Fear not ! Snoop EMP is back ! First, a runner encountering Snoop will be forced to reveal his/her hand to you, giving you the information on any possible I Had Worse in their hand. Secondly, if you manage to get a counter on one of your Snoops, which shouldn't be too hard with the standard Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center's money package, you can even get rids of them without triggering the draw 3 ability !

Invasion of Privacy also works great with this, especially when these anarchists fill their hands with Events and Ressources after using Inject.

Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center, in addition to speeding your game up, let you with it's high influence add one Biotic Labor to the mix, which allows for such kill turns :

  • Use one Snoop clickless counter to clean a program or hardware from the runner's hand, and also confirm that the kill is possible as you'll want as much events and ressources in hand compared to programs and hardware
  • Play Invasion of Privacy to clean most of the decks if the outcome is sure to be favorable to you.
  • Double Neural EMP, goodbye runner !

Jackson Howard and Daily Business Show will help you runs things more smoothly.

Don't forget False Lead which can help you set up the win !

If this plans for any reason is not possible, you can have a lot of fun in remotes by playing the shell game with Snare!, AstroScript Pilot Program and other assets ! You might even get a Neural EMP kill this way, who knows !

If you don't want to play the Shell Game, Snare! is helpful in slowing down digs in R&D or scare the runner into taking the agendas in your hand with a Legwork.

The Biotic Labor here can help you score a last agenda as well if required.

For tweaking of this deck, there's a few things I'm not totally happy with :

  • Runner can outrun you in the money race and prevent any Snoop and Invasion of Privacy, but this is the same issue that SEA Source and Midseason Replacements have anyway. NAPD Contract, Pop-up Window and trashing your assets will hopefully tax the runner enough.
  • Ice count and composition doesn't seems perfect to me, but I didn't have much better ideas than these. Quandary instead of Enigma?
  • No tag punishment to synergies with Snare!, there's no room at all in the deck ! I even had to get rid of one Jackson Howard, which has high chances to be useful here to recycle Snare!, economy cards or destroyed Ice.
  • Again with the lack of space, but including a few SanSan City Grid give you a better way of pressuring the runner at all times (trashing the SanSan or encouraging runs to spend more money and hit Snare!) or they might risk losing to the train.