Friends in low places

Tozar 696

This is a connection heavy deck that relies on extra credits from Underworld Contacts and the identity text on Iain Stirling: Retired Spook to build up a huge economy. Calling in Favors is an obvious include that scales with the duration of the game. Record Reconstructor allows the runner to prolong a desirable board state by forcing the Corp to draw only dead cards while gaining 2-5 credits at the beginning of every turn.


Dyson Mem Chips provide the necessary link to profit from Underworld Contacts and when combined with e3 Feedback Implants go towards extending the lifetime of Overmind and increasing the efficiency of Creeper. e3 Feedback Implants, Crescentus, and Grappling Hook complement the breaker suite by providing a cheap and reliable way to get rid of huge problem ice without eating up the MU required to keep Overminds in play. Logos and Express Delivery will let you get critical breakers or the missing pieces for your credit engine.


Fall Guy protects our vulnerable resources like Tri-maf Contact, Theophilius Bagbiter, and Kati Jones. Decoy gives an extra layer of protection to resources and prevents Scorched Earth combos. Data Dealer turns early agendas into immediate cash that and unlocks Iain's identity power. The Source and Donut Taganes disrupt Corp combos.

Theophilius Bagbiter lets the runner keep trash-able programs in hand until they are ready to play (to free up MU for Overmind) and provides a nice buffer against flat-line decks. Bagbiter can be played immediately before clicking Kati Jones for 6-9 credits or cashing in an agenda with Data Dealer.