A lot of initial responses to this card have been "This enables the Blackmail recursion deck that I've been wanting to show off in front of an opponent to instead of playing games!"

Instead, consider the significant upside to a runner whose ability reads "Whenever you make a run, gain 1 credit".

Most people would rather have the runner that says you get no scoring window unless you tech against this runner. Then the corp wins the game. —
Something needs to be done about blackmail Valencia. Yo —
you may have the cards you need to beat her, but chances are you won't have them in your deck, or in your hand even if you do have them in your deck. It is just not a fun game playing vs that deck. —
good news from the future blackmail rotated —

@Hlm's review is just great, except for this:

"From the moment you use Eater during a run, say goodbye to Medium and Nerve Agent".

Medium/Nerve Agent are great with Eater: use Eater to Knife/Fork/Spoon ice out of the way, while you get virus counters on your digging virus, before running free from that nasty ice.


This card is incredibly exciting. It's the first program to allow you to draw cards, and best of all, it does it without costing any clicks!

It slots perfectly into a Freelance Coding Contract deck, allowing that deck to advance its strategies of churning through the deck. It slots perfectly onto Leprechaun, which a FCC deck wants, and costs exactly a Sahasrara's wort of credits.

It grows your hand as you run. Sure, I know I'll have some hilarious (or "hilarious") points where the Corp rezzes an ICE, and I accidentally draw the vital program I was about to SMC out, and I'll laugh and I'll cry and I'll curse my deck and that'll be sad. But also hilarious, and a brilliant bit of Netrunning.

Imagine running on Jinteki, and drawing ... your only Deus X. What joy!

On the other hand, imagine running on Jinteki while you're being given free cards for running. (For the purposes of argument, our deck has infinitely many Levies just now. And when the Levy breaks, praying won't do you no good.)

So, yes, this card has some downsides. And it's 2 MU. But it's sort of the opposite of Paintbrush, a card which makes all of your runs take more clicks.

It compresses your clicks. And lets you see more cards. And seeing more cards is great.

I'm ... honestly not sure how Anarch's doing for card-draw, or where Anarch will be in a month's time (writing circa All That Remains), but it's something I can see doing work for Criminals. Not, you know, good, top-level criminals, necessarily, but the sort of criminal with a Box-E and lots of tricks.

It's a program that gives you cards. How cool is that?


Medium is possibly the fastest way for the runner to win in the game.

It's an incredible threat which can get underestimated. And is in the top two programs most likely to induce a virus purge. (After Datasucker.)

To me, the single best Anarch card, and potentially the only good Anarch card in the Core set which isn't hideously under influence-costed.

Nitpick : Corroder is both good and not under costed on influence. But yeah, Anarchs got screwed in that regard in core. —
Corroder could easily be a three inf card. But, yeah, it's not hideously undercosted, I suppose. —

Tech against Enhanced Login Protocol + Crisium Grid?

(Or, if you're against RP packing ELP, ESA lets you get a one-click HQ run, then Inside Job lets you negate the ELP effect.)

The new Data Dealer?

I mean (as of All That Remains) this card is in the same spot as Data Dealer was before Shi.Kyū hit in Honour & Profit: a card that has an effect you could conceivably want, but nowhere near worthwhile.

Sometimes, seeing the entire contents of HQ is entirely useful: This would synergise nicely with the super-combo of Nerve Agent+Sneakdoor Beta+clicks remaining, as you gain Nerve Agent counters...

But, really, it's spending a credit, a card, an install and 1 MU to let you spend runs on HQ into seeing it all.

The effect is nice, but nowhere near worth the cost. And I can't see that changing.