The easiest thing to compare this to is Clone Chip. Both are 1 install hardware that allow a program install from your heap. If he wasn't rotated, I bet the Exile would have fun with it. Anyways, with Clone Chip now gone, we have this to take its place. The first notable difference is the additional cost. Whereas Clone Chip is a flat to install for cost, this costs 3 less, but in order to use it, a program has to have been trashed this turn in order to fire off; otherwise, you have to trash a program. If you have a disposable program, such as a Kyuban on a piece of ice you can no longer feasibly get to or an SMC when you have your full suite out, then Simulchip is the chip for you. Otherwise, the best time to use it is after dealing with or recovering from a trash subroutine or operation, such as Enforcer 1.0 or Trojan Horse. In addition, if you're running bounce programs, like Lady, Gauss or Euler, this could be useful for a reinstall.

My thoughts on this hardware? Personally, I like Clone Chip better, simply because of its flat "install for cost". You could see this as a better version of Clone Chip if you have a lot of disposable programs, but I tend not to do that. However, Simulchip does give the option to save a program after having to trash it from a Corp card. However, if I need to recur something like SMC, I'd prefer to not waste the 3 less on it. 0 or 1 programs are probably better as fodder for this if you can spare it. Otherwise, this is a more reactive hardware to be used after the Corp tries to shut you down.

Well, Cpt_Nice beat me to it, but I'll say it as well: This is Cloak, but better. When I first saw this card, I dismissed it. I wasn't paying attention at the time; I was at work and it was way too cold to check my phone without killing the battery. When I got a good look at it, I realized it fulfilled the same role as Afterimage: fill a niche emptied by rotation.

So why is this better than Cloak? Same install cost, same memory unit cost, same amount of recurring credits. However, unlike Cloak, this lets you pay for programs and hardware. In other words, you're not limited to just using it to fire off icebreakers. Cloak was limited to just your icebreakers, but this has so much more utility.

On the bright side, I'm ahead of Cpt_Nice on something: I've already slotted Mantles into my Smoke deck.

I guess I wasn't expecting this to be saved from rotation. It's nice to see some of the older cards get saved and given a new lick of paint, so thanks for that, Nisei. I don't have a lot to say about Cerebral Overwriter, except that I think this version has a much cooler artwork. Nicely done, Krembler.

After the release of Swift, I figured I'd have a bit of fun by building around a faction I didn't use all that often: . And who better than Ken?

This is a Run event, meaning it would interact with Swift, Ken, and other cards that require run events, like Always Be Running. It does have a steep cost at 3, though, but if you can survive the run, the 6 or more credits you make from it can be quite useful. Even if the run ends prematurely, such as from a Nisei counter or a Border Control, you still net 3 credits. Of course, that's taking into account you're paying out of pocket. This feels like an analog to Dirty Laundry, but it doesn't rely on a successful run. Is it a better version of Dirty Laundry? Yes and no. Yes because you can potentially net more than 3. No because of its 3 influence cost. This is probably a must for Criminals, but I'd recommend exercising caution before slotting it in elsewhere, especially if you don't have a lot of influence to begin with.

As Cpt_nice said, this could be an excellent way to ditch your heap breakers or additional console copies. However, with the rotation of Clone Chip, we now have Simulchip, so any program can be tossed with one in play. When I look at it, ignoring the additional cost, I see an Easy Mark with a Diesel in one click. I'm not the best at Netrunner, but let me compare it with some notable cards.

Moshing vs. Sure Gamble: 3 cards and 3 for 0 and one click against 9 for 5 and a click. Sure Gamble's a staple Runner card, right? I wouldn't say one or the other, but I think both would be a good combination.

Moshing vs. Easy Mark: 3 cards and 3 for 0 and one click against 3 for 0 and a click.

Moshing vs. Diesel, I've Had Worse or Fisk Investment Seminar: Here's kind of where Moshing shines. Each card allows for 3 draws in one click. Each is situational: Diesel is good in any deck where you need fast draws, I've Had Worse is good in damage-taking decks, and Fisk Investment Seminar is good for milling the Corp. Moshing forces you to trash 3 cards, but you get three back and 3.

However, with its three influence cost, I can't really justify using it a lot outside of Anarch, especially when each faction already has its own "Draw 3" card. If you have influence to spare, put one, maybe two in if you run something like Simulchip.

I think it's unfair to compare Moshing to Fisk or Diesel. Moshing allows for card filtering, not card draw. In terms of cards you have access to, Moshing actually reduces them by 1. If you have 5 cards in grip, ypu play Moshing (down to 4) trash 3 (down to 1), then draw 3 (up to 4). I think a better compatison is Easy Mark with card filtering attached.

I did say I wasn't the best at Netrunner.