Oh so Jank, but Oh so fun-(updated)

SandWyrmBreou 3

Yes, 0 cards.


Emptied Mind - extra click

Cradle - Needed for affordable code gate breaking

The ID - econ

Guinea Pig - econ

Severnius Stim Implant - decent multi access run

Other Cards

Stim Dealer - why settle for 5 clicks a turn when you can have more

Aesop's Pawnshop - to trash stim dealer if you have to. Several other cards work well with it like hunting grounds or if you ran out of use for a card like

Guru Davinder - since there are no cards in hand this is a steep but necessary defense tool. Just hope you don't go against any net damage decks.

Citadel Sanctuary - for the same reason

Earthrise Hotel - card draw that doesn't interfere with abilities

DJ Fenris - 3 main options. econ- Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net or Los: Data Hijacker If you need recursion then Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter

The rest of the cards are mostly econ or recursion. Not sure if I will keep hot pursuit. Also breaking sentries with MK Ultra is painfully expensive.