N3w k1d 0n th3 Bl0ck

Fl3xbyts 3

I started playing Netrunner about a month ago, and this is my first Runner deck.

I like CT's extra 1, which allows for Magnum Opus and a full breaker suite to be installed. With Astrolabe, it allows for Magnum Opus + 3 breakers + Atman. I believe that this is CT's strength.


The idea is to deny the Corp. economy during the early game via Account Siphon and by running to force the Corp to rez ice. During this unstable period (Phase 1) for the Corp., I want to dig for agendas in R&D. Once the Corp. has stabilized (Phase 2), finish building your rig while looking for the rest of your agenda points in remote servers and R&D.

First turn: Account Siphon &/or Indexing &/or The Maker's Eye - attack both centrals (HQ + R&D); they likely will only be able to afford to defend one of the two servers

Ideal Rig: Corroder + ZU.13 Key Master + Femme Fatale + Magnum Opus "TR + Scavenge" for Femme *SMC for Magnum Opus *SMC for Deus X & Sharpshooter (then Clone Chip them if needed again)

Key cards:

Account Siphon: Siphon a couple of times to deny them credits, and to thin their ICE distribution by making them want to protect HQ.

Indexing: Use Indexing either to set up multi-steal runs, or to move cards you really don't want them to have further down (ex: economy, combo pieces, etc).

Astrolabe: It's an Akamatsu Mem Chip with an upside, for the same cost. The extra allows for either Atman or for Magnum Opus + 2 breakers + Self-modifying Code.

Deus X and Sharpshooter: These are my programs to protect my rig while running without a Femme Fatale, or when using a Femme Fatale would be too costly at that point in the game. The Clone Chip are useful in recurring these programs as you run and face check ICE.

Deck Weaknesses: I am struggling with the following problems:

  1. once the Corp. has ICE'd a server 3 deep, I'm pretty much locked out of it
  2. not able to get 7 points of agendas, unless I'm really lucky and the Corp.'s agendas are stuck in a cluster in R&D
I fully acknowledge this is likely due to my need to learn how to play and to run more, than due to issues with my deck list.

Any feedback is GREATLY appreciated!

27 Jan 2015 Fl3xbyts

Things I am wondering...

  1. Is Magnum Opus my best economy option? My doubt stems from its fragility while running. To protect it, I therefore need to to be able to tutor up Deus X or Sharpshooter during my runs.

    I need to play more games, and to experiment with running more often to see.

  2. The CT decks in my local meta are playing with Personal Workshop + Stimhack, and include a Cerberus "Lady" H1. These decks seem to not run out of steam and to be able to get into my 3-4 ICE-deep servers for 8-10 credits.

    I'm curious about the impact to tempo/strategy if I adopted a deck like this: <ahref="netrunnerdb.com World's 2014 CT Deck