The Botanist Detective [Terminal Directive]

PureFlight 1068


Swap Infiltration for the campaign card playset in pack 1

After having played the first few games of Terminal Directive, this would have been my ideal starting deck for the TD campaign.

TD Card Thoughts

Process Automation is an influence because it is better than Easy Mark. It's fine. I doubt I'll use it in regular decks though.

Ubax is great. I think decks with Modded need to seriously consider it for their console slot.

Magnum Opus is very good in the campaign. I had to be sure to get it down on a Dhegdheer as early as possible, or else I wouldn't have had money to install my other programs. Combined with Ubax, a common set-up turn around turns 4-7 was Draw, gain 6, install. Which is pretty amazing if you think about it.

Levy Advanced Research Lab was nuts. Very surprising. It let me dig for the Dhegdheers, Mopus, and Medium very quickly. I usually had both my breakers and Mopus installed on Dhegdheers by turn 6 or 7 because of this card in conjunction with my ID. It also meant I didn't have to run Special Order (although I think there's an argument for that too). Because this was so good at getting out Dhegdheers, I didn't need to worry about , which therefore meant I only needed 1 Datasucker and no Akamatsus for Adept and/or Savant support.

I didn't play with The Shadow Net, but I think I would have liked to. It's not apparent from the list here, but there's a little bit of synergy that you gain access to early in the campaign, and I think that might have made the Shadow Net worth using.

Campaign Choices

I was playing against Skorpios, hence the Sacrificial Constructs and Officer Frank. I think I would have switched to some Biometric Spoofing had I played against Seidr.

Originally my breaker suite was 2x Adept + 2x Gordian Blade. This was fine, but my opponent was using some higher-strength code gates and single-sub barriers, so the Corroder+Savant team worked better. You could use Blade + Adept if you needed the inf elsewhere.

After my first game, it became apparent my opponent was using tricksy tagging cards like Data Raven and Snare!, and that he was not using asset economy cards. I dropped the Bank Jobs for Decoys. Data Raven on R&D was a real drain on my resources (4 and a to break!). Therefore, I ultimately dropped the Process Automations for a Crash Space and a Stimhack.

As the campaign went on, I wanted more slots for...things... I gradually dropped the 2nd Dean Lister, the 2nd Sacrificial Construct, and the 2nd LLDS Memory Diamond. I think I've been hovering between 46 and 49 cards throughout the campaign.

If I ever need to surprise my opponent to win a game or two, I think I'd drop the Corroders and Bank Jobs for 2x Account Siphon. Don't think it's overall a great card for this kind of deck, but sometimes Siphons win games, so...