Hayley's Colour Changing Workshop v0.7

umchoyka 39

Here's the latest iteration of my Hayleleon deck.


The main idea for economy is to set up a nice engine with Scheherazade, Personal Workshop, Sahasrara, and the new Technical Writer. The idea is that you collect all your credits from doing what Hayley loves to do anyway: install cards. Even though it requires a few cards in combination, it is far less click intensive than using Magnum Opus or Kati Jones. I also like that there is less tempo lost when compared to running the standard drip econ package of Dyson Mem Chip, Underworld Contact and Data Folding.

Armitage Codebusting is there just to get you over the initial install hump, but can be relied upon for a recovery turn if necessary.

Technical Writer is a better way to get a quick burst of money in case you find yourself a bit low on credits. Since you'll be installing 2-4 programs and hardware every turn, you can build up his credit bank pretty quickly. Doubly or triply so if you get two or three Writers installed at once!

With this economy, combined with the ever powerful Desperado and the mainstay breaker suite of Chameleon plus LLDS Processor, you can essentially run for "free" at least once per turn.

Breaker Suite

The greatest part about Chameleon is that it allows you to apply early pressure across multiple servers, forcing corps to have enough ICE and money on hand to make 2-ICE (of different types) deep servers just to hold you out temporarily. With Hayley's ability to install a second program, two Chameleons can hit the table with a single click. If you have a Personal Workshop installed with a Chameleon from the previous turn, you can do the installation of both breakers mid-run which also "saves" a click (or, carries it forward from the previous turn).

Corroder is there just to deal with super high strength barriers (and to turn off Wraparound). If you aren't seeing any of Hadrian's Wall, Heimdall 2.0, Orion, or Curtain Wall then you may not need to install it at all. Keep in mind that you can use Datasucker to bring those barriers into range if necessary. Alternatively, you can install Corroder so that your Chameleons don't have to break barriers any more.

Also note that Chameleon is NOT an AI breaker, so you don't have to fear the likes of Turing or Swordsman.

The Rest

Use Personal Workshop to trigger installs on the corp's turn. This is a handy way to save a click installing Clone Chip or LLDS Processor from hand on the off turn. Don't forget to pile up Technical Writer! Note that if you install Chameleon on the corp turn, you don't get the benefits from LLDS Processor so don't do it if you need the boosted strength.

I couldn't decide which of the cards is the "worst" to cut for a 45 card deck. I think it will be the second Film Critic, as it is essentially the only non-one-of card in the deck that isn't required early.

The Mem Chip is also not strictly required, but with Sahasrara and Datasucker, it's nice to have the option of increased memory.

The Run

(aka "teh urn")

A typical late game turn will look like this:

1. Install Chameleon on Personal Workshop.

2. Initiate a run.

  2a. When the corp rezzes ICE, pop Chameleon off Personal Workshop (you have to use real credits for this). Install on Scheherazade to gain back 1 credit. Add credit(s) to any installed Technical Writer.

  2b.Install a second Chameleon from hand using Sahasrara credits. Same as 2a, gain back a credit for Scheherazade and add to Technical Writer.

  2c. Break into the server at the cost of 1 per subroutine.

  2d. Gain Desperado credit.

3. and 4. Do whatever! If you're short on cash for installations, pop off the Technical Writer. Add more pieces to your engine (if you have 2 of the same type to install, put one on the workshop and install both on the corp turn saving a click!). Install the third Chameleon onto the Personal Workshop to save the click (and a credit, from the workshop drip) for next turn.

End of turn. Chameleons return to hand.