Geist: Cloud Computing

hams 470

Street Peddler is awesome. Cloud breakers are goofy. Geist is weird. Fun!

10 Jul 2015 PurinaBisonChow

Do you not intend to use Forger to dodge tags? If you do, what happens to all of your cloud breakers? What I'm getting at is that this deck needs more Dyson Mem Chip, if even just one.

10 Jul 2015 hams

@PurinaBisonChow Yeah, makes sense. In playing, I usually didn't bother using Forger to dodge tags late game, only early, but it would be nice to not have to worry about ditching it at some point and not be crippled. Not sure if 1-of instead of a Forger, or alongside it. Probably the latter, but I've had a hell of a time getting it down to the deck size it is currently at. Not sure what to cut, if I go that route - need to test it more. Maaaaaaaaaaybe Same Old Thing? That sounds bad. Maker's Eye/Account Siphon spam is great. Have a suggestion?

10 Jul 2015 patrick.eaton

Have you considered Sneak Door Beta? You've got the free mem and it forces them to spread their ice a bit thinner.

10 Jul 2015 hams

Another "cards slots!" card for me, but I agree that it would be a good fit. The breakers are more of an "eventually" install, if you need them at all, so memory should be pretty open if you can get the link online early enough for the cloud breakers not to count against it. With Dyson Mem Chip, memory would be a bit more liquid as well. I'll think about how to fit both in here, suggestions welcome.

10 Jul 2015 PurinaBisonChow

I haven't had a chance to play my Geist deck yet but, depending on how quickly you moves through your cards and how frequently you need money, I'd add a one-of Dyson Mem Chip in place of either the Planned Assault or a Daily Casts.

10 Jul 2015 hams

Haven't tested this version yet myself; this is a slight variant on my last Geist build, swapping Mimic + Maker's Eye for 3 Street Peddlers. In my last version, I just got pinged by small transactions over and over, spending a ton of clicks to draw and install, not a lot of time for money. Clickless cash is great, so I am hesitant to ditch a Daily Casts - I'm happy to see one any time, and can simply drop it and get money without worrying about it. Early Kati or UC + some link is great as well, but if you don't get those, landing an early Siphon can be hard, and you're stuck clicking to draw + install + credits, and you're moving very slow.

Street Peddler is an attempt to fix this. After fiddling around with it, I think it's a good fit here - draws + installs cards cheap, all at the same time, with recursion for backup. Liking it, but could change after some testing.

Planned Assault is what used to be a Maker's Eye until influence changed. Only one Maker's Eye could leave it at the bottom of the deck, and this deck really wants to use and abuse it. High impact runs being the name of the game, I'm hesitant to drop it in fear of never wanting to make a run on R&D if I don't see either Maker's or a way to grab it.

Although Crescentus is great, maybe I can drop that to a 2-of. 3 can be a lot, and I can always get it back; for the most part, Crescentus is great to scaring the corp off of big rezzes, so maybe cutting one isn't the worst.