Blood Money 2.0

fs1973 57

dropped my biotic labour, it was senseless here and added Mushin no Shin which i believe makes much more sense, if i'm going for the super server.

18 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

Keep in mind with mushin no shin you have to drop the card into a new remote server, so without traps, it sort of doesn't make too much sense.

18 Jun 2014 fs1973

Yes. I'm not intending to bluff, i just want tobe able to draw an agenda out of my hand and advance it 3 times. Having a big expensive server, hopefully will be able to keep the agenda until my next turn and score it. Perhaps i can do a similar thing with Shipment from Kaguya. Any thoughts?

18 Jun 2014 fs1973

Now i got it. That's the problem of reading cards without paying attention. If i use Mushin i need to play the agenda into a NEW server. There goes the ideia of a superserver. I guess i can swap Mushin for 2 copies of Shipment from Kaguya or put in the deck two more Punitive Counterstrikes...

18 Jun 2014 nbove

A few things that stand out to me:

  • No Hostile Takeover. This agenda does a lot of things for Weyland.

    • It enables Archer
    • It allows for Project Atlas counters to be converted into agenda points
    • It lets you get away with running less economy cards than you ordinarily would. It is very strong and your should think very carefully before deciding to cut it.
    • Consider -1 Executive Retreat, -3 Successful Demonstration +3 Hostile Takeover, +1 Ichi 2.0.
  • You have Oversight AI in order to turn the Archers on, but generally they are more threatening when they are not rezzed. It's power comes primarily from the program trashing. Every unrezzed ice on the table becomes a "possible Archer" that could potentially wreck the runner's rig. This will generally force the runner to run more cautiously. Once the Archer has been rezzed, especially with Oversight, it simply becomes a gear check for the runner to go fetch a Faerie or Sharpshooter.

    • Consider -3 Oversight AI, +2 Power Shutdown, +1 Grim
  • Witness Tampering likely does not belong in this deck. The only source of bad publicity is 1x Geothermal Fracking. As a result, most games this card will be a dead draw. Even if you were to have more bad publicity in the deck, the value of witness tampering is somewhat dubious. If you run a combination of program trashing ice and cheap end the run ice of all 3 types then bad publicity is generally not a big concern since the general idea is to distrupt the runner and trash their breakers. Perhaps if Blackmail is played frequently in your meta it could bear consideration, but generally it is not worth the deck slot.

  • Mushin No Shin. As has already been mentioned, this card is generally not useful in Weyland unless you run traps.

  • No Scorched Earth. While runners unfamiliar with the deck will have to respect the possibility of a Scorch, a savvy runner will be able to discern that you have absolutely no tag punishment in the deck. This will enable runners to run far more recklessly and aggressively than they ordinarily would.

I hope these suggestions help.