Competitive Men Building Stuff

StarlightCrusade 104

You think you can get over my ice, bro? #Curtain Wall.

You think you can steal an agenda, sneaker? #Psychic Field + #Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed + #Punitive Counterstrike.

You think you can bad-pub me to death? #I'll kill you.

You think you can outearn, outeconomy, outplay me? #Everything.

I Win

6 Sep 2016 wookiez

Arent Ireress and witness tampering at cross purposes?

7 Sep 2016 StarlightCrusade

After a fashion. I see Ireress as more of a stopgap helps you keep your bad publicity from being such a liability, but it doesn't actually make the bad pub into a positive advantage. It's better to have none at all, hence Witness Tampering.

14 Sep 2016 wookiez

I run a deck with a bunch of Ireress. Having two stacked Ireress can be super funny.