Hayley's Colour Changing Workshop v0.5 [SPOILERS]

umchoyka 39

The Overminds in this deck are placeholders for the upcoming card Chameleon.

Chameleon - Shaper - Icebreaker - 2 - 1 - 3 Strength - SanSan69

When you install Chameleon, name sentry, code gate, or barrier.

Add Chameleon to your grip when your turn ends.

1: Break a subroutine of the named subtype.

Chameleon combos really well with LLDS Processors, giving you a high (fixed) strength breaker of your choice.

But we're not content with just comboing. We want full pants-on-head-retarded jank.

So, add Replicator to get our pieces faster. Cybsoft MacroDrive and Autoscripter let us install our Chameleons (2, because we're Hayley) for 0 and 1. Net-Ready Eyes lets us bump one of our Chameleons to 7 if needed, and Datasucker helps here too.

Don't forget, we can install extra pieces on our opponent's turn if we are hosting hardware on Personal Workshop. Just pay off the last counter at the end of their turn, then Replicate and install a second piece (Replicating again, of course).

Feel free to run last click, if you have a Self-modifying Code installed, a program in hand, and haven't fired your Autoscripter and Hayley ability yet this turn. After installing the extra program from hand, you gain a click mid-run!

And just in case this is actually a good deck, Corroder and Femme are there to help out our rig in case the ICE gets too big.

25 Apr 2015 Marimbist11

Chameleon can't come soon enough