Gonzo Journalism

HauntPun 96

Work all through the day at your Day Job then spend all night working on Investigative Journalism so that you can Blackmail your employer the next day.

How? Narcotics, that's how. Visit the Stim Dealer and get Amped Up to keep that candle burning at both ends.

8 Feb 2015 scd

Amazing. I have no idea if this deck works well, and just don't care. This is so fun and themely. Now I'm worried for poor Valencia.

8 Feb 2015 HauntPun

She can handle it, she has plenty of public sympathy!

16 Feb 2015 Fl3xbyts

If you want extra hand size, you could use Box-E as a console, or include Origami.

16 Feb 2015 HauntPun

Yes I thought about both but Origami messes with the econ with data folding, and box e costs influence I find vigil works well with itinerant protesters.