Tori Jenkins and the Clickless Clone or, The Jankiest of the Janky or, Why Would You Do This To Me or, How to Lose a Boyfriend in Three or Less

I'd like to share a story about Victoria Jenkins here - one that may or may not actually be useful, but sure as hell is interesting :P

Just for fun, I decided one day to put three copies of Vicky into a Jinteki: Replicating Perfection deck. Of course, this took up all fifteen influence points on poor Jinteki's identity, but that's of course beside the point. Now keen-eyed readers have spotted my potential game plan already: since a Runner needs to run once on a central server before any remotes can be accessed, if a certain savvy Corp were able to install and rez all three copies of Ms. Jenkins, you could theoretically reduce a Runner's 4 into a measly 1 , rendering them unable to run on any remote servers!

Of course, what about cards like Joshua B. or All-nighter? Early Bird or Amped Up? Hyperdriver or Doppelgänger? Hell, Temple of the Liberated Mind when it comes out? How do you defend against these pesky "gain " cards?

Adjusted Chronotype doesn't work here, as Tori is causing the runner to have "one fewer " as opposed to "lose 1 ".

The answer is that you can't! Realistically, this is a tactic to buy precious time. Saying that this slows the Runner's tempo down is like calling a car crash a minor inconvenience. The main power of doing something so utterly insane is in the surprise factor. If you catch the Runner unprepared (as I did in this particular game), being restricted to one a turn makes it nearly impossible for them to recover. Without any of those cards already on the board, my opponent was reduced to clicking for credits and drawing from their deck in the hope that 1) they would find something usable and 2) be able to afford it when it did come up. Meanwhile, I happily lined up my agendas in a row and piled a glacier of ICE on my centrals, until eventually my opponent pleaded for me to "just... just end it, please".

"If you pull this shit again we're breaking up."

TL;DR - Flawless victory.

She's unique. You can only have one rezzed. —
You are of course welcome to have all three installed but only one rezzed. Leading to your opponent potentially swooping in and garnering 6 agenda points with very little hassle. —
That... makes an alarming amount of sense, actually. Oh well. It was a fun game nonetheless :3 —
It's nice when people learn the rules before playing. :) —