Process Automation

Process Automation 0[credit]

Influence: 1

Gain 2[credit] and draw 1 card.

Restructuring labor resources.
Illustrated by Ed Mattinian
Decklists with this card

Terminal Directive Cards (td)

#23 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)

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Can we take a moment to consider how weird the flavor of this card is.

Why would the runner be restructuring labor resources?

Why would the runner be automating assembly lines?

Since they made Build Script, perhaps this was intended to be the Corp's counterpart before some freak mishap.

I want to know why FFG created a runner card with the flavor of a corp card.

(Uprising era)

Never thought about that. That makes so much more sense.

Remember Build Script? This is FFG saying "never design a weak card if you can design two". Most of the objections to Build Script apply here as well.

In effect Process Automation lets you gain 2 for 1 click and replaces itself in the process. In order to do so it takes up a deck slot and an influence point. I don't know about you, but I prefer clicking twice for credits a few times in a game and using deck slots for something that advanced my game plan more.

On the bright side you can Process Automation to draw Wyrm and gain the credits to install it and still have one credit left! Sometimes you just have to make plays to see the look on your opponent's face.

(Terminal Directive Cards era)
In a few months, people will learn the truth of Build Script gospel, and will praise Process Automation as a fellow saint. Just you know. Just you know. —
"Taking up a deck slot" isn't a downside. It's the *reason* you would want this. —