This ice seems ok on a standard value curve in NBN: Reality+. A smart player might end the run when facechecking early game so it can work like a 3 credit soft-gear check to sneak out an agenda or make trashing regolith annoying. This ice however is so much more than that.

While trying to figure out how to mluti-tag and in general make a Psychographics deck that can work in startup I stumbled upon how well this ice works. In my Psychographics deck I run 1 iced scoring remote and it has 1 or 2 of these on it. Even if they pay to avoid the second tag you're getting a nice credit drain.

Set this up in front of AMAZE Amusements install an agenda and advance it 1x. Bonus points for using Tomorrowʼs Headline or Oracle Thinktank. This becomes 4-5 tags to steal. I've even used it with Send a Message in the early game to get 4-5 tags AND scale straight to threat 3 so I can follow up with a 4 tag Oppo Research. Land 9 tags over 2 turns and some will stick.

In a pinch this can also work very well as R&D protection.

Final mention on this is with B-1001. Protect B-1001 with something nasty like The Toolboxor Seraph then start scoring agendas in the above mentioned scoring remote and your opponent is gonna have a bad time. Bonus points for using the send the message steal to turn on your threat and rez the Seraph protecting B-1001.

I love this ice in Reality+ but i'm not sure if it fits as well elsewhere.

I'm re-introducing myself to the game via startup and was generally unimpressed with tag punishment that was available. B-1001 is interesting in asset spam such that you can sometimes buy just enough time or even misdirect with the ability to decent effect.

I'm playing this in NEH asset spam which means you can potentially start to overwhelm the runner's ability to outpace your installs. Oppo Research helps quite a bit as well to mess up the runner's tempo. Suddenly they are in a position of spending time and money dropping tags or floating them and getting bopped by B-1001.

By including solid traps like Snare! and Behold! you're making face checking a little scary. And nothing is better than stopping a run on a Snare by dropping a tag and making them think you don't want them to check that server. The shell mind games are strong here.

Between your ID ability to draw and Wage Workers you're potentially able to maintain some tempo, use extra installs to get extra copies of B-1001 on the table so that if they run and trash him you have one to rez again immediately. They will really be annoyed they didn't just shed those tags.

Finally mix in License Acquisition, The Powers That Be and Spin Doctor to keep recurring whatever tools the runner trashes.

I use SanSan City Grid here over Holo man because of the high trash cost. If they go after B-1001 I try to rez and Score with San San the next turn. If they go trash san san I just bring it back with some of my recursion.

This card isn't amazing by any means but it is really fun and interesting to utilize within an asset shell deck that wants to utilize 3/1 and 3/2 agendas in order to provide both protection and targets for eating up runner's clicks.

This combos well with Cybersand Harvesters. I use it in my A Teia dual glacier deck. I use a scoring and econ glacier setups. The combo is to have Tatu-Bola in hand and one in the middle of the glacier. Put Vovo Ozeti in the scoring server and have your Cybersand in the remote. Then use Anoetic Void and Nisei MK II to ETR and force them to keep rerunning.

This works really well on game point to ensure you have the econ to fend off a runner and force them to break as many subs as you can. With the perfect setup You can eek out 6c per run which doesn't sound like a ton but getting 12 credits off the first 2 runs will pay for the final run where you've stashed Cloudeater. You can rez and pay for another Anoetic off the first 2 cycles.

I've found this also messes with runner math. If you keep cycling in the Tatu-Bola then drop in something else really expensive it can make them assume this next run is probalby the Tatu-Bola again.

Overall the ice is generally good (as per the other review here and it can gear check and give you a little econ through the early parts of the game. The times you can setup a cool cycling combo is just some icing on the cake.