Noise getting RICH v21

wildhawk 11

Weak point of Noise was lack of credits and lack of viruses in hand. Schehexually deck (which gave some inspiration for this deck) solves the problems well enough.

  1. Aesop and Sahasrara make Noise rich. (Drip, purged imp, dailycast with 2 credit on it, codbusting, even cyberfeeder sometimes can be the 3 credits without spending click)

  2. Wyldside brings viruses to Noise in order to mill.

  3. 6 MU (with Grimoire) is not enough.

    (Sahasrara, Darwin, Datasucker, Parasite, Knight -> already 5

    one or two slot for Imp, Medium, and Nerve Agent -> 6 or 7

    one slot for using Aesop (Gorman Drip) -> upto 8 )

    CyberSolution Mem Chip and Dyson Mem Chip were added to the deck.

  4. In order to give some pressure to Corp, early knight or darwin installation helps a lot. Without them game will be very tough especially confronting FA.

  5. Do not run so early or frequently to Archive. Minimum number of cards which you milled is 3 in my opinion. From 3 the probability can be above 50% in general.

20 Jul 2014 Tjobakov

To your 3: Why not add Djinn?

20 Jul 2014 wildhawk

Djinn itself has 1 MU. (1) If Djinn is the first MU provider and you have 4 programs, it is very sore to trash one of the valuable programs. (Among Sahasrara, darwin, parasite, datasucker which one can you trash freely?) 2.If you use Djinn, 3 programs can be hosted without counting MU. This deck has no faerie, sharpshooter, etc. If you encounter grim or roto turret with out darwin when face checking, djinn and precious programs can be trashed together. It happens a lot.

I tried Djinn many times, but my conclusion has been CyberSolution memchip. It has two influence and 4 credits to install (slightly expensive) but powerful enough.