The Comet Life Chose Me

hams 470

Events are good, so play a lot of them.

Comet is super neato, so play it with prepaids. Unfortunately, Comet isn't that great in practice, and you should probably just use a different console. The ability to play Indexing and Maker's Eye in a single click just isn't as relevant as say, the draw from Astrolabe. (This was particularly relevant in the top cut at the store champ I played this in, where I was totally outpaced by an NEH asset spam.)

Also, all the influence is tied up in money, so you don't have any for extra tools, and it shows. I don't like Shrike, but without Clone Chips you need some sort of sentry solution, and Shrike seemed to me to be the least bad one. I've considered Mimic + Datasucker, but that leaves you awfully vulnerable, especially with Macrophage out and about.

If you never got around to trying Comet, take this thing for a spin!

3 Mar 2017 Myriad

Comet without Day Job/Peace in Our Time?!?

But seriously. Try slotting those. You can go from 1 to 17 credits!

Eat your heart out Temujin!