Blue Sun Punitive v1.1

Adam500 8

New version of my Blue Sun/Punitive/Mushin deck testing out suggestions from @nobodyhasthis B-God deck.

The 2 Private Contracts in this list are probably the most malleable part of the deck at this phase (without any testing) other combinations of 2 cards I considered:

+1 Fast Track and +1 Restructure - I'm not sure whether the third Restructure is right for the deck or not, but Fast Track feels like it should be amazing in this deck. Allowing you to grab the 1-of Atlas out of deck to score on a Grid server, or grab Government Takeover for the bluff or Punitive play. A 1-of felt right, but a 2-of is a possibility I strongly considered.

+2 Patch - B-God played this card, and I've been tempted to toy around with it as Str 6 Lotus Field (or Str 8 if I play both on the same Ice) tickles my fancy.

+1 Elizabeth Mills, and +1 The Root (or +1 some other Asset) - This is more similar to the list I played at my Store Championship. There, I played a 1-of Elizabeth as one of many counters to decks making heavy use of Emergency Shutdown (ironically I was so prepared for it, and saw none of it that day).

+1 Crisium/+1 OTG - This would up the consistancy on drawing these cards.

I'm also open to other suggestions, including changes to the Ice lineup. I flip-flopped on whether Enigma should be Datapikes, but I think thats likely a meta choice.