Not So Cheap

Kharlos 1


All we want is to make everything more expensive for the corp.

Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter + Xanadu is a must have!

In early game when corp won't have ablity to rez ices use En Passant.

Buffer Drive for retrieving En Passants from heap.

Ideally with one Xanadu we need two virtual resources to fire Odore and Utae abilities.

To make runs cheaper we need Ice Carvers and maybe Leech.

Moshing + Retrieval Run to pull cards faster and install programs cheaper (main pro for this still will be faster card pull because only Odore costs more than 3s.

Career Fair for Daily Casts.

If we will play against rig shooter we still have viruses.

I'm still thinking about better pair instead of Paladin Poemu and Keiko