New Corp Deck

WinniePuuh 1

2 Oct 2022 Johnny Polite

Because you posted this to Reddit looking for feedback, I'll go into some detail here. The fundamental issue you probably have with this deck is that it is trying to do too many things, and as a result probably can't do any of those things very well. However, with the Nisei agendas, anoetic, and seamless launch, there's probably a deck here that has a plan to make a never advance deck (that is, on your turn you install a facedown card in a remote which may or may not be an agenda, protected by taxing ice, and the runner has to decide if they want to run it every turn). If they don't run you can score on your turn with seamless launch. If they run and it's an agenda, then you can hopefully defend with things like Nisei tokens.

I threw this together along those lines: I don't know if it's great, but it is more focused along those lines by playing a second anoetic and also two border controls.

Though right now in standard this kind of deck will have a bad time because it Endurance decks. A Personal Evolution deck without much ice that just tries to murder the runner would probably be much better!