[Startup] Salonga, and thanks for all the fish!

phleebagg 1

Deck put together for a Startup event 5 days after rotation of Borealis cycle. Basically took a different Startup deck, stripped it of anything that wasn't legal anymore, and guessed on what to replace it with. Ended up going 2-1 with it on the day (middle of the pack overall). The loss was due to getting behind on tags against an Epiphany asset spam deck with no credits appearing (see below).

Observations: Burner/Jailbreak combo works wonders on dicing up HQ. Trick Shot is insanely good economy, especially because you can make the run on the remote whether the R&D one succeeded or not! After playing against some other runner decks, I think Coalescence and Aesops would be a better econ package than straight dumping in Strike Funds like I did. Never used Spree, would probably be better in a true trojan deck. Pressure Spike actually worked pretty well for the surprise 5+ strength barriers I encountered due to advancement tokens, would run again!