Kit goes where she pleases! v1.0

Flatline 477

This is an "hybrid" Rielle deck: it uses her ability to get in in the early game, but then builds a standard shaper full rig for the late game.

Of course there are a few shenanigans, namely Scavenges to "remap" Cyber-Cyphers and Femme Fatales as needed, Escher to reposition the bad ICEs and a Chakana, tutorable with the SMCs and to be used as a temporary patch against Fast Advance decks.

Problems with the deck are the absence of a strong drawing mechanism, and the risky decision of taking out the Carapaces. This second problem can be addressed by playing slowly against T&B decks (i.e. run only when you have money to fight a SEA source): in the end Weyland needs to keep an agenda in a server for and entire turn to score it, so you don't need necessarily an R&D lock as against Fast Advance decks. The lack of a drawing mechanism can't be easily addressed instead so... don't stop drawing EVER!

Finally Spinal Modem+Stimhack. They ARE risky, so use your judgement when to play them: a single Stimhack per match is a non-issue and is the perfect move to get in a server while installing an Icebreaker for free with a SMC; however playing a second one against Weyland is really dangerous, as well as installing the Spinal Modem against an heavy tagging/tracing deck (NBN MN, for instance).

4 Dec 2013 paddosan

Wide variety of options here, which I always find a good thing. The only real issue for me is Spinal Mode. Give that the numer of trace-powered ICE keeps increasing (and Shinobi will be a first for Jinteki), it's a very dangerous console and sort of a strange choice in Rielle, since the influence is low already. I understand the usefulness for 2 extra recurring credits, but if you'll end up not installing it against NBN and Weyland, that means 50% chance (without considering those two are possibly the most widely used right now).

That said, I love to see Lockpick. A wonderful card in a Kit deck, at a ridiculous price which it's immediately repaid in full at the first run!

Overall I'd say it looks really nice... I'd just swap ZU for a Gordian maybe, it's awesome when using Tinkering on remotes, while ZU is not since the STR doesn't last for the whole run. But it's 3 creds more to install, so depends on how the economy really works, there are some steep costs already.

4 Dec 2013 Flatline

ZU vs Gordian is a matter of personal taste. I like to keep it in hand and do an unexpected run, but I agree that the strenght-keeping capability of Gordian Blade is a nice addition. Again, the two are easily swappable.

Spinal Modem is a test, it has to be played paying attention, and I have yet to test it fully. A possible further test/variation could be -2 Spinal, -2 Akamatsu +2 Toolbox +2 any economy. Also, Masanori could be a nice addition to the deck to help with the drawing.

4 Dec 2013 paddosan

I didn't like Masanori in my decks because it's quite painful to get an unwanted Tag, but Kit's ability should drastically reduce the risk, so it could definitely be good draw engine.

A surprise ZU is nice, but only if you say "I am Zu(ul). I am the Gatekeeper." when playing it!

5 Dec 2013 djackman

In this deck, I think Zu is better than Gordian as a backup breaker. If you're worried about efficiency of access, you've always got Cypher, which is the most efficient anyway. The point of Zu is low upfront cost, which can make surprise runs. Sure, one less strength, but its also 3 less to install, so generally on the first run with it, you save 2 credits.

If they've got stacked code gates (where gordian would be useful) cypher is going to be even more useful. Lots of rezzed code gates means that its certainly worth assigning a cypher to that server.

9 Dec 2013 Flatline

Just an update: after a tournament the deck has been quite solid. Lost only against an HB Cerebral Imaging Fast Advance who drew EVERYTHING (and I didn't see a single agenda even if I accessed more than 20 cards from R&D... basically I saw every other turn 2 cards in R&D, and he did just draw draw draw, with the third card being an agenda -_-), and for a stupid mistake on my side which led to a flatline.

Chakana is a monster against FA (but I wouldn't put it in more than one copy anyway), and the deck is rock solid. I'm pretty satisfied. Still I have more fun playing Exile :D