Anarch Voicepad | Valencia | Mark III

gumonshoe 2987

Early Game: You want to set up a situation where you can blackmail the remote as often as is necessary in the early game and you want to get a voicepad into play. Ditching silverware during this period is fine.

Midgame you'll need eater. There will come a point where you're possibly running out of blackmails. At this point you should be collecting mediums and Keyhole. Oracle May will probably be online (always name event). And you should focus on building a credit pool while you still hold those last few blackmails.

End game is either keyhole+eater with a blackmail for archives. Or, Levy->Black Mail for remotes. Or, Levy->Blackmail for Medium. Either way you want to have a lock at this point. You should be willing to spend an entire turn destroying the scoring remote with silverware or all the ice on R&D, this will force the corp to spend time reacting to you while you run away with the game.

Clear problems for this deck:

  • Someone who removes BP early in the game.
  • Biotic Labor (SanSan you can trash)
  • Caprice, on the wrong server she's a pain to deal with and can easily exhaust blackmail