J:TI — Portland Regionals Top 8

Baotus 127

Went 5-0 in Swiss at the Portland Regionals with this deck yesterday and made Top 8. I lost once with it in eliminations to get knocked out of the finals — that was under time pressure from an otherwise winning position, in a repeat game against someone who had a higher seed and got to 6 points early.

I'm pretty stoked about this ID as the HB:CI analog of this set, but time trouble is a significant weakness of this particular deck for a tournament. There's plenty of FA to score out, but you usually see just about your whole deck unless you get the Philotic kill or some other lucky kill. My most important Swiss win came after a fast loss as runner and took about 45–50 minutes — yeesh.

NAPD vs. Medical Breakthrough is a tough call here; bad pub. hasn't been a problem for the former in my limited experience, and the latter is easier to score late but can hurt you in the early game when things can already be a bit sketchy. I could definitely see different agenda compositions like adding Niseis or Braintrusts — no strong opinions. If you grind the runner down to almost nothing, you can sometimes score Fetals for free in the end game, but they can otherwise be a liability if you need to score out.

Susanoo got me extra Archer hits in a couple of games, and Hadrian's worked better as Yog0saurus and Katman defense than Flare would have.