Perfection Kills v1.1

famebyproxy 111

After playing with Dydra's Replication Kills, I noticed a the runner often hitting Archives as their central run before hitting a remote, or to keep me from getting my Subliminals back, or to fish out trashed agendas. So I dropped in 2x Shock! to increase the taxation of an Archives run* (replacing Interns which I almost never made use of).

*@Dydra tried to talk me out of this. I'm a bad listener.

I also put in Hokusai in place of Ronin, and ditched Archer and Viper to play with some different ICE – Datapike and Gyri Labyrinth, both of which fit in well with this deck.

15 Apr 2014 famebyproxy

After play testing a bit, here's what I've learned:

Shock! is a hero in this deck, despite those thinking it doesn't belong in RP. In the wins I've had, it was definitely a factor. It's also great to stick into a remote that you're not quite ready to have agendas in, only to have it keep working for you when you send it into Archives.

Gyri has been fun in this deck, and helped out at least one win. Not sure it's essential though.

Problems I'm running into: • I almost always see Priority Req stolen before I have the cards to turn it into a kill. Frustrating when this happens, as you have at most 2 chances. Maybe I'm piloting wrong? Should I just be blasting away on draw early until I have them? • Most runners in my meta tend to get Killers out first and foremost, and I see a ton of Mimic as well. Once this happens, most of the ICE becomes worthless and a kill (outside of a double Punitive or a runner mistake) becomes very difficult.

Changes I think I might make: • A bit stronger ICE...maybe Shinobi in place of a Tsurugi? • Another Himitsu, so I have a better chance of seeing it early and getting that scoring window. • I'd love to find a way to fit a couple Power Shutdowns in for more reliable program trashing, although I'll need to find INF somewhere. Maybe find a replacement for Gyri and one Tollbooth? Unsure.

Other thoughts are welcome!