[Startup] Trashy Chrome

Weklong 10

I think this deck is probably a bit mean. Or possibly Mercury: Chrome Libertador is.

The main plan with this is to run centrals a lot early (Mercury obvs). Once the corp has dared to rez ice, we can start trying to derez it or trash it entirely using Arruaceiras Crew and En Passant (En passant is a pet card of mine anyway but it's actually good(tm) here). Plus, Leech can bring the strength of ice within Arru range. Then we get our lovely free multi-access.

Favourite interaction is probably Window of Opportunity enabling Saci to actually be pretty great. I loved the look of that card when it came out, but a click to put it down made it feel untenable. Now it can be tenned. You can also use it to install other stuff that was borderline cost-ineffective before. (Though not yet Capybara because slots r hard.)

You can obviously use Emergency Shutdown to double-down on that derezing... fun? I'm going to say fun.

In between runs, we've got some Career Fairs to get down some bigger money resources to stock up for more runs.

I doubt any of these ideas are original to me!

The deck will probably utterly fail against certain matchups as the non-Mercury multi-access is essentially just a Docklands Pass and there is no recursion.

I've had fun playing it for a bit though. Give it a whirl! Suggestions on a postcard please.

26 Apr 2024 PsyZed

So I tried this yesterday. Against a strong ICE'd up Wayland then NBN. I felt that I don't have enough breakers and if I lose any somehow then it is K.O. Plust I felt that I don't have the econ and the card-rotation quick enough before the corp ICE's up everything available. Then I had no money at all to run.