As the other review on this page mentions there is the issue of not stopping the steal with this agenda. I think that is ok for two core reasons.

  1. It helps turn on threat when stuff gets stolen. i.e. Oppo Research or Sudden Commandment
  2. You turn on a lot of things when tags stick.
  3. You have some say over how things get stolen, especially early game.
  4. This is great HQ protection when you're flooded with little ice. You will likely get something stolen, might as well get something out of it.

The two big uses I've found for this in my NBN: Reality Plus Psychographics deck are: 1. Discard Tomorrowʼs Headline and Oracle Thinktank after doing some massive draw, esp great when you rez The Dr.. Have AMAZE Amusements on your archives. They run archives to force you to spin. You put back some other tech you need and let them take 4 tags. 2. Setup a scoring remote behind Funhouse and/or Virtual Service Agent. Install AMAZE Amusements an slow advance agendas out. Have a B-1001 behind another annoying ice in case you really want to protect the agenda you're advancing.

Both of these setups also turn on Oppo Research for the next turn. If you get to threat 3 you get more tags too.

This has been consistently letting me stick tags vs all but the most caution of runners. I've slow advanced a Send a Message, had them ignore it and get to rez big ice on a central then they have to start running it. Just make sure you get to reset the scoring server with new agenda.

This ice seems ok on a standard value curve in NBN: Reality+. A smart player might end the run when facechecking early game so it can work like a 3 credit soft-gear check to sneak out an agenda or make trashing regolith annoying. This ice however is so much more than that.

While trying to figure out how to mluti-tag and in general make a Psychographics deck that can work in startup I stumbled upon how well this ice works. In my Psychographics deck I run 1 iced scoring remote and it has 1 or 2 of these on it. Even if they pay to avoid the second tag you're getting a nice credit drain.

Set this up in front of AMAZE Amusements install an agenda and advance it 1x. Bonus points for using Tomorrowʼs Headline or Oracle Thinktank. This becomes 4-5 tags to steal. I've even used it with Send a Message in the early game to get 4-5 tags AND scale straight to threat 3 so I can follow up with a 4 tag Oppo Research. Land 9 tags over 2 turns and some will stick.

In a pinch this can also work very well as R&D protection.

Final mention on this is with B-1001. Protect B-1001 with something nasty like The Toolboxor Seraph then start scoring agendas in the above mentioned scoring remote and your opponent is gonna have a bad time. Bonus points for using the send the message steal to turn on your threat and rez the Seraph protecting B-1001.

I love this ice in Reality+ but i'm not sure if it fits as well elsewhere.

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Compare: Engolo × Curupira

  • Like Engolo or Mass-Driver, Lobisomem is a [2mu] Decoder that can also break/‘melt’ Barriers.
  • Like Curupira or Nfr, Lobisomem charges up by fully break-ing (which makes further breaking of Barriers easier/cheaper).
  • Like Penrose, Lobisomem is a Decoder that can immediately break a Barrier.


  • Orca: both complements it (by breaking Sentries) and charges it up (to break Barriers); also, you can Spark of Inspiration out either (as @CallForJudgement mentions in their review).

  • Rigging Up: you ramp it out for [$5] and 2 power counters (it's immediately ‘chargeable’ because it reads When you install this program and …, place 1 power counter on this program.).

Flavor: “lobisomem” is pronounced [lobizˈõmẽj] in Brazilian-Portuguese (like “lo-bee-zO-meng” in English), and means “werewolf” (from Latin “lupus” (“wolf”) +‎ “hominem” (“man”)).

Juli reimburses four clicks.

For example, given a resource with [CLICK]: Run… (like Red Team or her sister Debbie "Downtown" Moreira), she gives you four free runs (across four turns), cf.:

When your turn begins, you may run any server.

In particular, she exactly fully-reimburses the [CLICK][CLICK][CLICK][CLICK] of using up that Red Team; or of using up a Liberated Account, cf. an “eight-credit double–Daily Casts”:

When you install this resource, load [$16] onto it. When it is empty, trash it.

When your turn begins, take [$4] from this resource.


blue/white ‘clickers’:

green ‘clickers’:

red ‘clickers’:

See t:Resource x:"CLICK:"|"CLICK," f:Criminal|neutral-runner z:standard b:active

“Juli Moreira” is pronounced [ˈʒuli muˈɾejɾa] in Brazilian-Portuguese (like “JHOO-lee mu-REY-ra” in English).