The Matrix

Pwca 13

Planning on using Matrix Analyzer to advance, Haas as a lure, mix of fast-advance with some options on tagging.

First play ended with a great Midseason into Psychographics onto Beale, might not get so lucky next time.

26 Aug 2014 Exo

I really like the set up: Thomas Haas, TMI, 1x SE and ash. I always find Thomas Haas a good fake to tax the runner.

What you think about having a RSVP to help TMI rez cheaper?

5 Sep 2014 Pwca

Thanks for the comment! I'm only playing up to C&C right now (lol buying cards), but I do like the look of RSVP, especially for NBN.

I also considered using Whirlpool or Bullfrog to make the Matrix a more reliable target, but that'll require a lot more tweaking.