Psionic Scorcha' Killa'

Trizzy613 142

Hey there,

This is a deck I've been having loads of fun playing with so far. Given the fact that many cards depend on the "psi mini-game" I wouldn't use it (or this ID so far as a matter of fact) at a tournament but I've had reasonably decent success with it.

It's intended to either flatline the runner or just leave agendas in the open and triple advance them the next turn. Below I'll show you how this is possible.


  • The Future Perfect: this is the odd one of the group, it's not intended for scoring. Instead cycle it through your hand and RnD when need be but it's just there as a 3 point filler and adds to the nisei fun times cannon.

  • False Lead: Get one of those scored ASAP once you feel comfortable with your set-up and whatnot. One could be your bread and butter for achieving victory as it combos with A) Psychic Field (if you win the psi game, deny the runner the chance to draw and neural EMP him) B) Landing a tag with a snare that is impossible to shake off for a scorch C) that little 1 pointer out of the group of 7 you need.

  • Braintrust: 3/2 nuff said

  • Medical Breakthrough: averages out to being a 3/2 (nuff said lol)

  • Philotic Entanglement: you see where this is going ;)


  • Snare!: this will be your main way to land tags moreso than the deliciously fun net damage to boot...

  • Psychic Field: your main trap for installs, just install them whenever you feel like it and that will scare the runner enough for you to be able to just spam the odd 3/2 or Flase Lead in between.

  • Jackson (Jesus) Howard: Just does what he does best, draw up to a decent kill combo and return your snares and overdrawn agendas into RnD.


-Caprice Nisei: auto include in any nisei division deck. period.


-Cerebral cast: what can I say? stick the runner between a rock and a hard place If you "psychic fielded" them already they generally HAVE to pick the tag and there's your 1-2 punch.

-Hedge Fund: classic econ.

-Medical Research Fundraiser: This is a deck that isn't trying to tax too much or beat the runner credit for credit to achieve it's goals. Just seems appropriate because everything is cheap so it allows for more card slots with easy burst econ. In this deck bluffing is very important so Celebrity Gift may actually harm as much as help.

-Neural EMP: mandatory, can't picture this kind of flatline archetype without it

-Scorched earth: the big debate here was whether or not to put 3 and through testing it works best to get one as early as possible.


Ok this is slightly trickier, It's still up for debate which ICE is best to use and the deck doesn't pack a huge punch (especially against RnD locks). I built it this way mostly based on my local meta where parasite recursion is as popular as ever.

  • Himitsu-Bako: meh, gets the job done

-Snowflake: your other barrier that can wind up acting like soewhat of a pop up.

-Chum: I actually found it easy to install early on and scare the runner from continuing.

-Yagura: My Jinteki auto-include code gate of choice!

-Hunter: works great with chum since it's already a 4 strengh for a cheap rez cost. the tag is a bonus and helps with mind games when using cerebral casts.

-Komainu: i"m still "???" about this one. I'm scared of parasites and even with chum it's easily bypassed by mimics.

-Neural Katana: blah the payoff is cool.