Rebranding Team Sponsorship

MrAaronSA 24

This is a rebranding (lolz) of spags NEH Turtlebacks/Team Sponsorship deck. Early testing has been going pretty well so I thought I'd share.

Scoring Rebranding Team early is critical, so you can leverage all your cheap assets to bankrupt the runner. Luckily, runners often suspect NAPD in this archetype when you install -> single advance, so it's not too difficult. Once a Rebranding Team is scored, it's pretty easy to keep the econ balance in your favor and score behind a tollbooth server.

The downside of all this is that if you can't get your rebranding team scored, there's only 9 advertisements. I thought about adding media blitz, but I don't like currents in decks with more than 10 agendas.

One really hilarious thing is that once the runner chooses to access a trap like Shattered Remains, you can still rez it at 4.3 to make them lose a credit before they get punished (provided you have Rebranding Team scored). This makes me laugh and makes me want to add more things like News Team, but I can't find room.

Lots of things I'd like to work in such as CVS, maybe some more big ice. Suggestions are most definitely welcome.