Operation: Never Advance (2nd at Myriad Store Championship)

JWHamner 345

This is the corp deck I ran alongside my Professor deck (http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/2774/the-professorial-anarch-2nd-at-myriad-store-championship-) for the Myriad Games Store Championship in Salem, NH on 3/1/14.

Pretty standard NBN here, but running a lot of money to be able to pay for SanSans and Ash while (hopefully) weathering the Account Siphon storm.

The deck got eviscerated pretty hard by the eventual Store Champ who was running 3 Rabbit Holes and Magnum Opus in what can only be termed straight up Making News hate.... but otherwise was 3-1 in Swiss and won the first match of elimination for me.