Deterministic Chaos

Wookiee 90

The intent of this deck is to use Wyldside and Adjusted Chronotype to quickly build up a draw engine that gets a stealth rig up and running.

Economy package is Symmetrical Visage (which could be swapped out for Dirty Laundry if there's too much draw and not enough econ), Sure Gamble and Test Run+Scavenge (with Ghost Runner and Cloak stepping in in a pinch).

Indexing and Maker's Eye hopefully set up scoring rounds, and help establish an R&D Lock.

I've Had Worse is some additional draw if needed, or some protection if not. Basically I had 2 inf left over.

Box-E gives more memory for the Stealth Rig (ideally 3 breaker and 3 cloaks), and lets you keep things like Femme or SMC installed as well. The +2 hand size is also helpful when you're drawing at least 2 cards a turn, for those turns when you start at 5 and want to run 3x. There's no way to turn off Wyldside in this deck, so draws need to either be played, held, or tossed to the heap to be recovered with the Clone Chips, Test Run and LARLA.

Mulligans for Wyldside or Symmetrical Visage are probably the best bet. Getting draw power online quickly means that you'll see more cards faster, and increases the speed that you'll find Adjusted Chronotype while still being able to build your rig. Once Chronotype and Wyldside are both active, you'll basically be paring down your deck to what you need at the time.

8 Apr 2015 Wookiee

Aaaaaaand Inti was meant to be ZU.13 Key Master

8 Apr 2015 Wookiee

And I've quickly realized that removing IHW and putting in a Corroder for Inti is a much better choice.