Jesse Marshal's Blue Sun (Winning Agenda Podcast #9)

KevinD 14

Credit goes to Jesse Marshal of the Winning Agenda podcast. Featured in episode #9

Podcast and discussion:

9 Dec 2014 sruman

Interesting build for sure. I've been playing Blue Sun for a few games with mixed success. A few questions:

  • It seems like hefty ice (8+) is an excellent tool to get that cash injection to land the Sea Source and Scorchs. With the most expensive ice being 6, do you feel like the kill is harder to pull off?

  • My experience with Grail ice (mostly in Foundry) is that it clogs your hand (with good effect of course). Also with Blue Sun, mid-to-late game the Scorch and/or Sea Source clog your hand until you the # necessary and cash to pull off. Are you finding that many turns late gate are either pressure to throw a drawn card out there or discard it?

  • Given the ice is good but not impenetrable, how do you find you're scoring the Government Contracts? Does it pretty much require the government troubleshooter? Or is it just rarely scored?

  • How is power shutdown working out? Seems like in a world of fairly cheap, good hardware tough to get the plascrete with it.