Sun the Moon

Contrast 1836

First off, The Root is a decent placeholder for Dedicated Technician Team (order and chaos).

First attempt at getting Shoot the Moon to work. Blue Sun seems to be the deck in which it's most natural to have a good amount of super-expensive unrezzed ice on the board.

Midseasons is a good tool for double-triple scorched, with the help of Atlas. A single succesful shoot the moon should set you up economically forever, being potentially much stronger than a Psychographics play, even at 3 or 4 tags.

11 Nov 2014 Thike

I can't wait to do something similar, but I'm not sure if 2x StM is the right call. You'll only ever play one, and between playing slowly and Atlas, a one-of is probably sufficient. With that remaining influence, you could cap out on Jackson. Alternatively, Data Raven is another good way to encourage the runner to go Tag-Me.