Beaten Down in Bloom (east coast nats)

psi_sig 15

Just wanted to post me East Coast Nats lists for posterity. East Coast Nats was my first Netrunner tournament and I had such an amazing time getting to play so many people. Feeling extremely energized to play a lot more netrunner. This is just a small variation on the Arctic Blood lists by maninthemoon and jan tuno I fell in love with after seeing it posted, Asset Spam and Ob have been my favorite types of decks to play, its always nice when you find a deck you love & its good. ended at 37/59 entirely carried by this corp, going 3-1-1.

All 3 wins by flat-lining(didnt quite get good enough at the list to score out) my lost was against my mentor from the mentorship program Izzy who, def knew this deck better than I did always keeping credits up, trashing key assests and never running when I had a window to kill, was able to break the draw just as time was called

and the draw was against netjogging in the weirdest game I played all weekend, somehow pulling both very few assets, completely unable to keep their credits down or force into uncomfortable situations, and very few agendas that i wasnt able to squirrel away, agendas in my hand getting barely missed by both accesses and Maw coming down to time with the Maw finally hitting an Azef but the two final runs being made and stopped by a dbl Border Control pop on R&D

Yeah def cant wait for the next tournament :)