kryscore asa - 2nd @ IT Nats Crown of Lasers

krysdreavus 555

It took me two weeks to find an HB list that was silly enough for a team event and at the same time decent enough to win some games, but after two weeks of attempts (a lot more time than my main event corp, which was built in an afternoon) I landed on the classic infinite Ganked! + Ansel 1.0 combo, which I landed twice during the tournament.

La Costa Grid was a late addition and did not do much really, it can probably be replaced with better cards. I considered Trojan Horse but the ice here is very expensive so it doesn't work very well.

Ravana 1.0 and Loki are very silly slots, of course with the very optimistic idea of killing the runner with core damage with Týr and Ansel 1.0 rezzed and having a lot of subroutines on the Ganked! bounce respectively. Neither happened but the latter was helpful as a deterrent.

Overall the deck went 3-1, losing only to mulch, but wiping the board of another mulch and a biker lat and scoring out normally against 419.