BlitzShiko - 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th - Canadian Nationals 2023

maninthemoon 2895

Dreamnet hot take

Pinhole hot take

BlitzShiko has been a true Team Muntal Bost project. Every member made contributions to this piece of art. Four of us took this list to Can Nats with placements of 1st Yours Truly, 2nd @ThatsNoMun, 3rd @Radiant and 5th @Santa. The over all record for the day was 14 wins, 6 losses, and 1 tie. Also big props to our MawShiko player @FireRL who took 6th. Extremely amazing showing and I'm so proud of the team.

Feel free to hit me/us up with any questions in the comments. Debating the optimal Hoshiko list is hot topic these days πŸ˜‚

Big thanks to @Solomir for a well run tournament, @thike for helping judge, and all the wonderful players who showed up and played on the day. I'm glad this wonderful game lives on <3 NSG

PS: Whiteblade111 consented to the images and is a close friend.

19 Jul 2023 Radiant

Was a pleasure working on this beauty with you all and seeing it shine in the results makes me proud :) amazing job on the finish! Bost for life

19 Jul 2023 FireRL

πŸ”₯❀️ Congrats!

19 Jul 2023 Wentagon

I think you accidentally only put the minimum number of cards in this deck 😜 (congrats on the result!)

19 Jul 2023 maninthemoon

@Wentagon lmao 🀣

19 Jul 2023 BinkBonkle

Small Hosh ❀️

Go Bost

19 Jul 2023 SMITTYL

@Radiantgave me some tips on my anarch decks the last month. It must have put me in a Bost mindset because I made a hoshiko that’s almost this list card for card. Go BOST

19 Jul 2023 AugustusCaesar

i am very curious about the double unity. Is that for a specific reason, or is the card just good enough?

19 Jul 2023 ThatsNoMun

@grogboxer grinning smugly rn

20 Jul 2023 Radiant

@AugustusCaesar It's a fantastic decoder. We were on 2 Boomerang, 1 Black Orchestra, 1 Unity before and it always felt bad to see/use Blorch while digging for your "real" breakers. Improved setup consistency and adding a 3rd Botulus was more valuable than a 2nd Boomerang, which you only really need 1 of to keep your engine going if you deck out.