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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Core Set |
What Lies Ahead |
Trace Amount |
Creation and Control |
The Spaces Between |
First Contact |
Order and Chaos |
The Valley |
Breaker Bay |
Chrome City |
The Underway |
Card draw simulator |
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Derived from | |||
The 2-Armed Ice Feast (1st Place Undefeated Mead Hall Store | 295 | 232 | 70 |
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None yet |
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This deck went 4/5 wins at our Store Champs with 20 participants. The Corp deck was
Based on two armed ice feast with a Hades shard to threaten CI with, it is not tutorable so probably not worth the influence and I did not end up meeting any CI at all. The deck is still a beast and the imps did heavy work during the day trashing biotics, economy and ice from HQ/R&D.
27 Mar 2016
27 Mar 2016
You could maybe change that to Utopia Shard and then drop Plascrete Carapace as you'd have 3 ways to fight kills decks - IHW, Imp, Utopia. While not as good as Hades or Eden, I believe Utopia also does some work against CI?