The Minimalist

Chickie Drake 116

I'm an idiot and a masochist. Since 2014, I've been constantly playing whatever faction is worst. 2022 == Shaper!

This deck doesn't win that often, but it's funny and different. Only breaker is Houdini with support from Pelangi + Simulchip. The gimmick is having all the cutlery, with Harmony AR Therapy to recur cutlery (get back Knifed, Forked, and Spooned with each play if you want). It's not common to see ice with strength greater than 6, so if you hit something big, install Mantle and then cutlery that ice if it can't be ignored.

This deck plays hyper-aggressive. No resources so you can often just go tag-me. Aggressively face-check ice for the first few turns with nothing installed and no concern for tags! When facing tag punishment, you have the choice of trying to clear tags, but you'll probably be too poor, so just try to win before they find their HHN. Search for and trash BOOM!. Other tag punishment is often auto-lose territory, but you do get to laugh uproariously when you access All-Seeing I and other resource attacks. You can also bury cards with Maya which is very handy sometimes.

Tons of R&D attack power (Maya, Equivocation, 3* The Maker's Eye). If R&D gets over-protected as a result, switch over to tear apart HQ and remotes with cutlery. Maya is generally not necessary if you aren't using it for the R&D power (MU is not that tight usually).

Run, run, run! Do NOT play at tournament.

2 Mar 2022 Baa Ram Wu

This looks pretty fun.

Any reason for running equivocation over conduit?

2 Mar 2022 Runaway

I like your disclaimer. 😄
It looks like you'd want more tagme cards but I guess Code Siphon has rotated. I feel like you're hamstrung over trying to avoid Net Mercur though.

3 Mar 2022 Chickie Drake

@Baa Ram WuConduit would be good too, but it costs twice as much and inspires virus purges.

3 Mar 2022 Chickie Drake

@Runaway The stealth cred doesn't get used every turn, so not having [[Net Mercur]] hasn't really been an issue. You don't need a lot of stealth (only [[Houdini]] uses it) so it would really only be useful for economy at that point. Using Smoke and having the stealth cred built into the ID just makes it easy to run Houdini without having to look for another piece of the puzzle. If you switch Houdini out for Engolo, you could run the whole package in a different runner, but the deck would have serious economy issues. I like to run broke it's fun ;-)

10 Mar 2022 gilesdavis

This is such a galaxy brain build :)