Just a little tip: you need at least 12 creds to fast advance and score 2/4 agenda with two Biotic Labor. Oaktown let you score it with just 7 in your wallet. Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future loves it, even if it less secure than NAPD Contract. But at least it isn't affected from Hostile Takeover bad publicity.

What is the timing for counting the number of advancement tokens on Oaktown? Is the number determined before or after the token is added for the current advancement? Ultimately, is the 5th advancement action worth 3 credits, or does the value not go up until the 6th? —
As you finish advancing it, you count how many tokens are on it (post-advance). So, the 5th advancement is worth 3 credits. —

After 4 months since Order & Chaos came out this is my go-to 3/5 Weyland Agenda which replaced good old Priority Requisition. At its core it serves the same role as PriReq, giving you money, but is much more flexible. It can give you enough money to trace and kill 3-card runner with SEA Source + Scorched Earth combo. It can give you enough money to secure Ash 2X3ZB9CY trace in scoring remote. I used it to gain 5 creds and kill runner, I used it to gain 27 creds to crush his dreams about stealing something from my Ash server.

It's bonkers even with only one token, Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future makes it just crazy.

Priority Requisition is good when you are running ICE like Archer which is not as good as it was since all the Faerie, D4v1d and Switchblade are spoiling the Weyland fun. You must use PriReq right away which often may not be the perfect moment. High-Risk Investment gives you more control and I like its burst more then Government Contracts 4 per 2.

I completely agree. I started running this out of Blue Sun instead of a combo of Priority Req and other Weyland 3/5s (I still run one Cleaners). Scoring one as your first agenda makes winning the game much, much easier. The runner can never out-econ you to steal the agenda and avoid the eventual punishment, be it from Scorch or Punitive. —

Hard At Work is a combo card and as such it requiers some help to be really useful. So this is not a cord for people who are afraid of some good JANK.

Earning 2 per is almost always a good thing, but losing a click with HAW, just like in Wyldside case, is sometimes not very helpfull. So what can we do to work around this?

Enter Adjusted Chronotype which will turn HAW into Daily Casts that will last forever. But 8 and two card combo like this is a lot! Yeah, thats true, but take a look at alternatives:

You need two copies of Underworld Contact and some other card that will grant your runner second , probably Dyson Mem Chip or Access to Globalsec if you really into oldschool stuff. Three cards 5-7 combo. And only if you are playing runner that has 1 from the beginning, which means Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie, Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer or Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker, to name the most obvious. Also, upcoming runner Sunny Lebau with hers 2 from the start will love this.

UC + Dyson + Data Folding is neutral influence combo, and as such can work in various decks.

Hard at Work at Pancakes Factory is Anarch combo that can work with almost any red runner. You could ease its installing costs with Career Fair and even try to make it 4 cred drip with Gene Conditioning Shoppe, but this will require another card and to be honest I didn't test it yet because I couldn't find enough influence.

Good thing about HAW is that you pay once, and after three turns you are on plus and you don't have to think about it anymore. Apart of remembering to take your creds from the bank!

Downside is, that without resource tutors, you need more copies of it to find it reliably. Currently I run three copies of Hard at Work and three copies of Adjusted Chronotype with the support of Career Fair and most imporatant: Paige Piper to trash all the parts I don't need. Paige Piper looks like a fourth card for this combo, but make no mistake, it will make your draw much smoother.

Make no mistake, HAW and "Pancakes" are "only" 2 per turn, far from late game fantasy about three copies of Underworld Contact and Data Folding installed. But with the little help from Kati Jones it will help you greatly in the middle part of the match.

Hard At Work has been repeatedly debunked as being one of the worst cards in the game. Investing 5 credits to then spend 5 turns waiting for it just to get back to 0 on your investment. You need to play like a dozen turns before this pays off better than even a humble Armitage Codebusting! Investing even more in wasting deck space and credits on Adjusted Chronotype is throwing good money after bad. —
That's what Career Fair is for. —
bah my comment was cut in between, anyway... so far I had a lot of fun with this combo in my Anarch decks. I don't feel it is viable for some high level hurr durr tournament play, but everytime my opponets says "wow that was a nice deck!" I take it as a win. —

I think this card is very situational counter for the NEXT ICE heavy HB decks or just any corporation who try to bring more than two copies of ICE. NEXT Bronze and NEXT Silver always had problems with decks build around ICE destruction (like, most Anarch decks), and after Parasite, Spooned and Knifed, Immolation Script is just the last nail to the NEXT's coffin.

It's not that useful against other ICE suites, but in right circumstances it will make corporations cry.

NEXT ICE are one of my favourite ICE to play and I think Immolation Script is just rude.


This little thing is a failsafe in case you run into unavoidable program trashing provided by Corporate Troubleshooter used on scary Sentry ICE or Power Shutdown played after successful run. It can bring your program back, but it's most powerful when used to install software during the run.

It works beautifully with Parasite, Deus X, Faerie or Sharpshooter, cheap programs that can be played almost every time and help you break thru ICE with suprising effects. Remember that when played during Stimhack, you can use that 9 to install things via Clone Chip.

It's bread and butter of Shaper recursion magic, so use it.