Fucking Broken............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

They could've made the downside to the ability something that was actually bad. —
So broken that if Matt Hardy had a console, it would be this one. Only regret is the lack of flavour text : "delete !" —
I'm so glad that reviews are only enabled when cards are released so we can get thoughtful reviews like this. —
Hey, he tells it like it is. —
Everyone knows the sky is falling. At least post out why it's broken for newbies or shut up until it's been out in the wild for a while and you've tested counter tech and so on. —
Everyone, please vote up the other reviews so that zero-effort content isn't what people see when they browse NRDB... —
The most disgusting part of this card is that it's only one influence. gross.... —
I'm still mostly a new player, maybe played 50ish games. None of those were a negative play experience until someone used this card on me. There's no other card I've seen in the game that made me think "Fuck this game". —

Is the the card that makes the Tech Lord actually playable?? This is the tool that the underplayed criminal identity has been searching for. With the suite of trash-able icebreakers, and with the abundance of resources that have trash effects it makes this a card that might see play. What geist has been missing is something to give is trash ability more incentive, and more leverage in the early and mid game, which are his weakest points. While this card does help with his ability, he is still in need of a very good and solid early game card with a trash-able ability to really make Geist playable. As far as Tech Trader is concerned, this card is very good in my eyes for Geist, however probably won't see much else play in competitive decks right now. This could change if we were to see much stronger cards with the trash-able ability in the future.

How about Wasteland ? It's match with Geist and tech trader. —