Himitsu-Bako has always been a useful ice for decks, an influence-free 2 End the Run. Parasite resistant (although not Parasite proof) barrier that can be redeployed (combos with Akitaro Watanabe, Tenma Line and Amazon Industrial Zone).

Bako now has a new utility with the release of Democracy and Dogma - it combos very nicely with Bio-Ethics Association, Clone Suffrage Movement, Commercial Bankers Group and Sensie Actors Union.

This is especially efficient if you've got an empty remote with a rezzed Bako already, just install your Political Asset in the server and if the runner doesn't trash it you can pull Bako back at the start of your next turn to trigger the ability. Now this seems like a nice one-off combo, since you will have an unrezzed Bako next turn that cannot be returned to hand, but this is where Surat City Grid comes in to rez your Bako for free. It's also possible to use the Amazon-Tenma jank combo as well but this seems highly inefficient ( and need to protect both Amazon and Tenma Line). Keep in mind that without some kind of rez discount the net cost of installing and rezzing Bako is 3.

I thought about this as well, but this also means you are operating on two click turns. Not sure the payoff makes it worth it. —
I thought about this with Political assets too. But I think it'll only work once, and only if it is already rezzed. Surat City Grid won't work unless you have another upgrade to rez along with Himitsu. —
I guess if you have Surat in another server and are rezzing another card in that server anyway, you could then rez Hitmitsu for free. (I forgot that the card doesn't have to be in the same server) But the thing is, Himitsu is broken for 1 credit by the most common fractor in the game. —

The most powerful and difficult to utilise function of Political Dealings is as a Clot-buster. If the corp can draw an agenda during the runner's turn (preferably after the last has been spent) the corp can fast advance right through a Clot, since the agenda was not installed on the same turn. There's only one ID that can realistically hope to make this concept work: Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center.

NEH draws a card whenever a card is installed in a remote server. Daily Business Show ensures NEH gets to look through multiple cards during the first draw of turn. Lily Lockwell is in faction. Advanced Assembly Lines will let you trigger the NEH ID ability. Crick and Architect let you install cards in new remote servers. Team Sponsorship and Plan B also let you install in a remote server on the opponent's turn. Plan B and License Acquisition let you install in a remote server.

Panic Button is a possibility, but has way too many moving parts to be realistic. Errand Boy and Advanced Concept Hopper may be workable companions to this strategy depending on the state of your servers.

Fisk Investment Seminar has also become even more double-edged than before.

When Jeeves Model Bioroids are released it may also mean fast-advance for 4/2 Agendas as well.

Fisk: Won't that just mean they have three clicks to go hunt the installed Agenda you revealed... you know since Fisk is always click 1. —
Well it's may reveal and install. If the corp doesn't have a scoring server set up it can choose not to reveal any agendas. It can also be a distraction play. Say the corp ends up with an Astro and a Beale in hand after the forced draw, so it throws a Quantum Cat or TGTBT into the scoring server, that could be enough to divert the planned Legwork run. —
Fisk himself makes more sense though. They run HQ, and make you draw? You install. —

Test Ground can now be used to interact with the new super utility card: Advanced Assembly Lines. Rezzing Elizabeth Mills and Lily Lockwell can give useful effects. Derezzing assets and upgrades can protect them against Political Operative, but make them vulnerable to being temporarily locked down by Councilman. Derezzing ice can defend against Parasite or other ice destruction.

But this card has an unanticipated use for trolling runners. Off the Grid! Force the runner to run your deep HQ once to trash Crisium Grid and then a second time to get a successful run. When the runner has struggled through all of your HQ ice a second time, use Test Ground during step 4.3 of the run to derez Off the Grid just before the run has been declared successful! After the run ends use the ability window before the next to rez Off the Grid again (preferably using Breaker Bay Grid). Watch the runner's head explode.

This combo. *sniff* The jank is too beautiful. —
Yeah true, 1 use for this card, other than that a ... crickets? —

I inevitably include ABT in my decks and often fire the ability. Experience has taught me that ABT does not work on the principles of probability. It works on the principle of maximisation.

Maximisation of human suffering to be specific.

When you are winning it will give you a 5 deep scoring server or R&D with Turing, NEXT Gold and Eli 1.0 on top (to maximise your opponent's suffering). When you have 3 agendas in hand and only 4 agendas left in a deck of 29 it will flip Sales Team, Jackson and Vitruvius to maximise your suffering.

Over advancing Project Vitruvius can be an answer to safely firing ABT, but after scoring a Vitruvius with two agenda counters, ABT will usually maximise your suffering by only turning up when your opponent accesses R&D.

Like an abusive partner, ABT hurts and betrays us, then turns around and does something amazing, promising us it will be good to us in the future.

I'm not sure why this agenda was included in the Core Set when there is an entire expansion dedicated to Fear and Loathing.


Will-o'-the-Wisp's greatest strength is against Anarchs (who currently rule the meta), who have only a handful of in-faction shuffle abilities (Djinn, Paige Piper and Trope), all of which are not commonly seen in the most popular decks. You will very likely see a Levy in Anarch decks but using it just to get a chance of returning a breaker is quite a sacrifice for Anarchs.

This is a lot less effective against both Criminals (Special Order, Hostage, Planned Assault, Express Delivery) and almost useless against Shapers (Artist Colony, Self-modifying Code, Test Run and many more).

Many Anarch decks run 2-3 copies of an AI breaker such as Eater or Faust so the corp might need up to 3 copies of Will-o'-the-Wisp to lock them out.

The timing structure of the run matters when using Wisp as well, especially with the introduction of Political Operative and Councilman with Democracy and Dogma. In step 4.2 the runner decides whether to continue the run after passing all the Ice. Then in step 4.3 paid abilities may be triggered and cards may be rezzed. Wisp only triggered upon a successful run in step 4.4, so it must remain 'survive' anything the runner can throw at it during step 4.3.

It may be worthwhile to note that Wisp is not unique, so you can use multiple copies in a server to either take out multiple breakers or to work around Pol-Op and Councilman.

If you want the effect of Wisp there are also some other cards to consider: