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underflow 7

The Pitch: Get into constant, rigged bidding wars with the runner; manipulate the news cycle; score out behind asymmetric, heavy ICE with the help of your favorite bioroid sysadmin.

Gameplay: Score out behind Wraparound, Enigma, or Rototurret early, and behind Archangel, Assassin, and Tollbooth late. News Hound, Pop-up Window, and Data Raven can tax runners on R&D and HQ. Data Raven should go on R&D; this forces the runner to run on R&D tagged, and may score Quantum Predictive Model for you for free. Surveillance Sweep strengthens News Hound and every trace you run. Ad Blitz lets you resurrect dead Adonis, Launch, and PAD Campaigns.

Improvements: A second Tollbooth would likely be a good choice; Red Herrings are probably overkill with 3 Ash. Adonis Campaign might better as an IPO or a Swordsman, if many runners bring AI breakers.