Change the blame Super Untested Speed

Diogene 4462

Based on Blamechanger (

Since I don't have my computer, I will be able to test this next week. But this should work well enough just the same.

Mulligan plan : Have econ in hand.

Plan : Put asset on the board, use every fast advance tool in the deck to score from hand.

Calvin B4L3Y will let you get cards faster, to replenish your hand. Now, I played it safe, since I think Jeeves Model Bioroids does not contribute to the count of 6 HB cards to be free of influence. If it does, you should replace the Calvin B4L3Y by Spin Doctor.

City Works Project is there so that you can put it on the board and fill it up with Dedication Ceremony. Since there is no Punitive Counterstrike, the runner can take it a nearly no risk.

Cyberdex Virus Suite is there to manage Clot and Conduit a bit.

Standoff is there to get some creds. This would be the first thing to go for any change in the deck.

The goal is to go fast and score out before the runner tools are fully brought out. So, Audacity with abandon.

Possible changes to the deck :

1.Add ices : I suggest Mausolus and Tithe, or possibly Archer if you keep Standoff.

2.Add punishment : Punitive Counterstrike along High-Risk Investment or SDS Drone Deployment. But scoring from hand would be difficult.

3.Add HQ protection : Put in Drudge Work.

4.Add spices : Snare!, False Flag and Retrieval Run could be a load of fun!

1 Jul 2021 callforjudgement

If you do keep the Standoff, then Stock Buy-Back seems like an obvious fit; it's better than Hedge Fund once two agendas have been stolen. Alternatively, you could replace them with NGO Front; in Built to Last, NGO Front is usable as a Lucky Find, and Lucky Find is a very strong economic card, so you can use NGO Front purely for the credits with no intention of bluffing.

Jeeves Model Bioroids does not count itself (it only counts non-alliance cards, and it's an alliance).

This deck's main weakness looks like R&D multiaccess; you might want to add a third Cyberdex Virus Suite in order to help protect against Conduit. I also think that another main weakness is that your assets won't stick; you're giving the runner bad publicity credits to trash assets with, and the Runner won't have to pay anything in icebreaker costs, so you can expect your assets to get blown up very quickly. You may have to replace Too Big to Fail because of this. Along similar lines, Punitive Counterstrike doesn't work well in an iceless deck; the runner will out-econ you.