Master Assassin [3rd @ NY Showdown]

not_yeti 1058

Having grown increasingly jealous of Kikai having his own personal Criminal deck I have spent the last month or so playing this deck and getting great results.

Over Christmas this version made deck of the week but without a real writeup so hopefully this goes some way to solving that. Linked at the bottom here are all of the replays from Showdown as well as the EA Sports internal write-up for the deck which has details about every single card choice.

Why is this deck good?

I think there are two very clear reasons why this deck is good.

1) Pure Efficiency

Masterwork (especially with Q-Loop) is a very click efficient card that gives criminal card draw, something it otherwise lacks, but the drawback is that it requires you to play lots of hardware, if there isn't enough good hardware then it's not worth it. Currently there is enough good hardware.

2) Winning Without Accessing Cards

This is the bit that some players may find distasteful...

There are currently a lot of corps that punish you for accessing cards and especially for stealing agendas. Even just decks with deliberately low agenda density cause a major problem for a runner without another way to win...

Jeitinho allows us to put a clock on any game but it is also what allows us to play Sec Testing, the defensive nature of this can totally turn off a corp's game plan whilst making our runs tempo forward.

A version of this deck playing WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ and Docklands Pass instead of Jeitinho could make use of the efficiency of the engine but could not abuse Sec Testing.


The differences between this and the previous published list are:
-1 Paladin Poemu.
-1 Hush.
-2 Daily Casts.
+1 Mystic Maemi.
+1 Environmental Testing.
+2 Poison Vial.

Env Testing is quite simply better Daily Casts for us in this deck, you can get it to pop in a single turn cycle if you're hot on it. Mystic Maemi was originally a second Env Testing which I liked a lot but decided to go for the leaner econ expecting a fast meta.

Poison Vial is the real standout winner of the bunch, this card featured in the original version of the list many moons ago but got cut. Now that Revolver is our Killer the utility goes way up, it's very synergistic with Boomerang and generically useful in a lot of matchups.

The Tournament

This deck went 4-1, only losing a game to an Ag which is our worst matchup. Judge for yourself in the replay but I would argue this is a throw on my part.

I was struggling with connection issues throughout parts of the top cut but had a great time across both days, no one does online tournaments quite like ManintheMoon and this deck is awesome.


Replays do not show you the information gain via Q-Loop which is really unfortunate... Whenever really sick stuff happens you can often go back and figure out what was there if you are curious.

7 Jan 2025 Meathir

I think this deck is just proof that Az is too low value an ID, which is a bit of a shame, but the win con fork this deck provides can be terrifying.

I wanted to ask if you tried Physarum Entangler at any point, since you have Q Loop/Simulchip/Knife synergies and I feel it improves Crim matchup into problem ice like the stuff Jinteki glacier plays.

7 Jan 2025 not_yeti

I have tired Physarum and I found that it basically just sits in hand.

Mainly we just don't have the MU for it as getting 2 Cezve down is very important.

Secondly it's still quite hard for us to play it during a run unless we luck into it being on the top of the deck and if you wanted to chip it out you'd have to trash a Cezve.

That said I don't think I've ever really jelled with Entangler so I could be wrong here 😅

7 Jan 2025 wowarlok

@not_yeti Thoughts on Carmen as a replacement for one of the Revolvers?
Especially as tech into jinteki, Carmen is equally as expensive as Revolver but it lasts forever and getting one run in early to lower the install cost shouldn't be too big of a deal

7 Jan 2025 not_yeti

@wowarlok Carmen was the Killer in this deck for a long time before I finally gave up on it, Revolver not requiring credits to break is just a huge upside.

I think Carmen will forever remain on the cutting room floor until Drafter rotates at least. (If you ignore that time Sokka won worlds with it..)

10 Jan 2025 cody1024d

Have you tried running Reclaim? I know it doesn't trigger as a hardware, but what it brings back does; and doesn't require a revolver to break.

16 Jan 2025 not_yeti

@cody1024d this was an interesting idea and I have played a bunch of this in the last week.

Reclaim feels like a powerful card that could do a lot of things in the list but it is very difficult to know how best to make use of it. I am yet to have it do very much but I very often find myself spotting reclaim lines after the game is over.

The deck is already a lot of mental load to pilot so this may just be one step too dar me for but I do like it on paper!