Miffed Val-Passant (1st place Portsmouth SC)

Shmeguy 1595

Why is it called Miffed Val? Because its not quite Angry Val

And because its broken as hell.

Intervention update of mine and @yeoda's worlds 2016 deck. Took the Fistful of Dice SC on 27/11/16. En Passant has been a great card here, it enables some really toxic plays with blackmail siphon and medium, seriously punishing ice-light decks. However it can become awkward and slow to play if you refuse to apply pressure before drawing En Passant, which is one of the reasons why I don't believe everyone can simply pick this up and perform well immediately. Shout outs to @lpoulter and @beyoken for helping me test the En Passant addition on the flight back from worlds, and @AkAnderson, @Heartthrob, @Yeoda as people to bounce ideas off.

Couple of videos of this deck performing: 1 2

Please avoid calling this 'hate bear in val', it makes us real sad :'(

29 Nov 2016 AkAnderson

Hey that's my name! 100% agree about En Passant. It's an excellent card but can lead to bad plays when you're trying to get full value. Sometimes they wreck and sometimes they fill your hand for turns at a time. How many times were you able to use Hades and Obelus together? If you kept Orchestra but cut Hades, what would you do with the influence?

29 Nov 2016 lpoulter

Let's see what coolman says but I really like hades in this list. However if I dropped it i'd be tempted to drop a david and try a planned assault.

29 Nov 2016 mohaymen

I've been playing a very similar deck. I'm not convinced with joshua b., my best case scenario was the corp to credit credit trash thus wasting his turn, but that didnt feel like it was doing much. How has he helped you?

29 Nov 2016 yeoda

didnt win regionals/nats/worlds. No credit!

Congrats my brotha. Keep racking' those wins.

29 Nov 2016 moistloaf

Do you ever miss forked against Ichi?

29 Nov 2016 JuneCuervo

Hades is not really optional in my view. In games where you draw it in the first half of your deck it is reliably a game-winning play. =)

29 Nov 2016 Shmeguy

@AkAnderson I think I only used Hades in 2/7 games lol. It was also really good to have when I installed it vs a shutdown NEH deck. I think I would probably go for a 3rd d4v1d or a parasite if I didn't want to run it.

``@mohaymen` josh B is incredible imo. The main applications are: make the corp's turns more ineffective by having to choose between trashing josh b or purging mediums, tagging yourself in the HB/Jinteki matchups to get your hand size up by at least 1, and lastly unlocking a lot of powerful blackmail en passant plays. With a josh b click my turn can look something like black mail, en passant, deja vu and play en passant, siphon (lots of combinations here that let you use your recursion more effectively). If I find him early I generally install him and wait for a HHN or the moment when I know i'm going tag me.

``@moistloaf` Forked is fine but really much worse than knifed or spooned right now. Considering that 75% of sentries are only trying to tag me apart from ichi I don't think its worth the slot.

29 Nov 2016 Shmeguy

@AkAnderson I think I only used Hades in 2/7 games lol. It was also really good to have when I installed it vs a shutdown NEH deck. I think I would probably go for a 3rd d4v1d or a parasite if I didn't want to run it (or a planned assault like Laurie suggests).

@mohaymen josh B is incredible imo. The main applications are: make the corp's turns more ineffective by having to choose between trashing josh b or purging mediums, tagging yourself in the HB/Jinteki matchups to get your hand size up by at least 1, and lastly unlocking a lot of powerful blackmail en passant plays. With a josh b click my turn can look something like black mail, en passant, deja vu and play en passant, siphon (lots of combinations here that let you use your recursion more effectively). If I find him early I generally install him and wait for a HHN or the moment when I know i'm going tag me.

@moistloaf Forked is fine but really much worse than knifed or spooned right now. Considering that 75% of sentries are only trying to tag me apart from ichi I don't think its worth the slot.

29 Nov 2016 y.pro

@Shmeguy What's your advice on pressuring early? I sort of struggle with this kind of deck. Do you challenge remotes/centrals early or draw like crazy to find Faust/Siphon/Medium/Blackmail?

29 Nov 2016 ScrappySPJ

Congrats on the win at Portsmouth, but shame we never got to play this vs my ETF would have been interesting I think.

29 Nov 2016 lopert

What do you think about -1 Mimic, +1 Femme, and getting the Femme into play via a Retrival Run? (Probably dropping the 3rd Faust for the inf / card slot)

29 Nov 2016 Shmeguy

@lopert i dont think that would be bad at all but i really like having 3 faust, and getting into archives for ret run can be kind of tough with the fear of omar rn. Another anti synergy with femme is that im going to cutlery the expensive ice anyway, so it doesnt help too much with tollbooths and big resistors (although it could help deal with data ward potentially). i think i'll be trying mk ultra instead of mimic for a bit, seems pretty ok for swordsman and architect

29 Nov 2016 Shmeguy

@SneakdoorMelb depends alot on the corp and I think the subtleties of each MU become clear after jamming alot of games with this deck (took >100 testing games before worlds to become confident in it). Vs Sync you cant afford to take tags early so dont let them rez ravens and turnpikes, instead opt for exclusively Omar/blackmail-en passant runs to hit as many kitties and booms as possible. Once they HHN or 24/7 combo, go full tag me and opt for kim instead of omar. Ctm is kind of different because you cant sit back as much so ice will get rezzed. I still dont go 100% tag me from turn 1 to avoid closed and eoi undoing all your progress, try moneying up with lib and clearing tags after you trash assets. This should harm the corp's tempo substantially because they actually have to HHN you and invest in the trace to get tags on, which is a big win for us.

29 Nov 2016 gejben

Wow, gj. You took Hate bear and put it in val... very original.

29 Nov 2016 Heartthrob

Hate bear my eye.

29 Nov 2016 yeoda

So miffed @gejben ;)

30 Nov 2016 podoboyz99

Glass Shop referance WOOOOOHOOOOOOO

But really, this look nasty, good idea putting hate bear in Val ;)

30 Nov 2016 Shmeguy

@yeoda @gejben @podoboyz99 i'm slightly more than miffed right now, maybe disgruntled... but still not quite angry.

30 Nov 2016 gejben

50 Shades of bad mood Val

30 Nov 2016 yeoda

sounds like our new project: Disgruntled Val.

30 Nov 2016 ZQQLANDER

I've run into this deck more than a few times already and I find it particularly difficult to play against. I imagine it's going to be well represented at SC this season. Any advice on corp decks that give it trouble or particular lines you should take?

30 Nov 2016 Shmeguy

@ZQQLANDER specific corps that can beat it are prison decks, potatoes, and Fast advance that I can think of. As a corp think alot about ice placement: resistors and taxing ice on hq, stuff like archangels on rnd, with the cheaper ice (vanillas and quandaries) on the outside for cutlery protection. Remember to ice archives before omar rebirth, and dont throw away excess ice you'll need for replacements after en passant. Also try not to overextend and rush out too aggressively because if your centrals aren't secured you will get picked appart.

30 Nov 2016 ZQQLANDER

@Shmeguythanks for the advice! I've tried @yeodaETF build and ETF "Trash Panda," but neither have done it for me. I suspect this was because I was trying to rush out too quickly without protecting centrals. Seems like I would rush out an agenda and then Blackmail HQ>En Passant>Account Siphon. Hard to come back at that point.

30 Nov 2016 Friff14

@yeoda then do we move on to Gruntled Val? I hear she's pretty ruthful.

30 Nov 2016 Simone Suka

"I prefer yog on hades, it's not necessary". David 1 month ago on our slack chat :). Well played mate, as always. I'm still not understanding the dirty laundries, but ok.

1 Dec 2016 yeoda

I use the laundries for san san after a close accounts.. cred, cred, DL, trash san san

1 Dec 2016 yeoda

Probably replaced by mars for Martians as spoiled in red sands

1 Dec 2016 Shmeguy

@Simone Suka Try to quote accurately! But yeah these are cards that I switch in and out almost on a daily basis. I used to have sucker so Yog.0 was better, on this particular day I wanted to try hades shard and I'm still trying to figure out how to use it most effectively.

1 Dec 2016 Shmeguy

As @yeoda says DL is 2cr econ like dayjob (less impactful but more flexible) and can help you recover from a closed accounts or contest assets better.

1 Dec 2016 mohaymen

Why not day job instead of liberated accounts? You gain more money within 4 clicks and its a better recovery for closed accounts. I understand that liberated is more flexible, but when you go tag me, liberated will be trashed so youll be spending all your turn gaining from it.

2 Dec 2016 Shmeguy

Liberated gives you more overall money, it can be offshored so that closed doesnt hit all your credit pool, and doesnt give the corp a free turn without pressure like day job does, which could allow and unchecked sensie to fire. Overall Liberated is better before a closed accounts and day job can be better recovery after a closed accounts but i use laundry for that.

2 Dec 2016 nungunz

Ever had a need to recycle cards?

Strong net damage/Ark lockdown presence here. Worth running Trope at all?

2 Dec 2016 Jack Weyland

Once apon a time there was a very sneky snekguy. Heck off hate bear. And they all lived miffed ever after.

2 Dec 2016 mohaymen

Ive been testing val/en passant, and i wanted to ask why not run amok?

3 Dec 2016 Simone Suka

@mohaymenbecause run amok seems good, but it's really not.

5 Dec 2016 hutch9514

@Shmeguy If you were to add DDoS, what you cut?

5 Dec 2016 hutch9514

Or is it unnecessary? @Shmeguy

5 Dec 2016 nungunz

Went 6-1 with this at my store champs.....it's good.

6 Dec 2016 Shmeguy

@hutch9514 I think DDoS is pretty good, it just bugs me that with en passant its so much worse than blackmail. The last tournament i won with miffed was a version with -1 Joshua B. +1 DDoS and it didn't do too much but i think its fine

6 Dec 2016 WhackedMaki

Do you think MKUltra has a spot in the deck over Mimic?

6 Dec 2016 Shmeguy

@WhackedMaki Yeah mk ultra looks reall really good. Install for 1 with the bad pub, then get through snek, architect, swordsman for 2or 3 credits. Also gives you the option to break ichi if youre desperate, its expensive but at least you have the option to, unlike mimic without sucker.