Swift Lat 2th @Belgium nats

AlPi 1002

This deck went 4-2 at Belgium nats.

I present to you the most optimal Swift Lat deck.
There are only 2 matchups left you're unfavored in:

1) Glacier Jinteki (AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World). Where your hand can be full of run events, but you can't play them because you don't have an answer to Saisentan yet.

2) Big strength Logjam. I had to face a 21 strength Logjam round 1 of top cut. This matchup felt unwinnable. Thank you Ryanbantwins for this experience...

If you expect some big Logjam decks I recommand: +1 Hush and +1 Cupellation. -1 Inside Job and you either -1 Deep Dive or -1 Daily Casts.

This was my corp in the event: Glacier Ob.

A huge thank you to Thomas (Cluster Fox) for organizing this awesome tournament, I'm super excited to take over the roll of TO next year!

17 Nov 2024 tzeentchling

Grats on the success with SwiftLat! I do think you should try swapping out the Daily Casts for Telework Contract though, they're a bit slower but also more money overall and sometimes let you just click for three and still get Lat draw.